clone: git: image: woodpeckerci/plugin-git settings: partial: false steps: build: image: alvrme/alpine-android:android-34-jdk11 commands: - apk add --no-cache python3 - ./gradlew :app:assembleNightly sign: image: alvrme/alpine-android:android-34-jdk11 commands: - ./scripts/ eu.toldi.infinityforlemmy.nightly.apk app/build/outputs/apk/nightly/eu.toldi.infinityforlemmy.nightly.apk secrets: [ APK_KS_PASS, APK_KS, APK_KS_ALIAS ] pull-repo-config: image: commands: - cd .. - pwd - mkdir repoconfig - cd repoconfig - pwd - git clone --depth 1 - cp /woodpecker/src/ fdroid-repo-config/repo/ pull-pages: image: commands: - cd .. - pwd - mkdir pages - cd pages - pwd - git clone --depth 2 - cd pages - git config "CODEBERG CI" - git config "noreply@nodomain.nodomain" # reset and remove, later force push, to keep repo size small - git reset --soft HEAD~1 - git status update-fdroid-data: image: cs8898/android-fdroid-sdk:33.0.0 commands: - pwd - cd ../repoconfig/fdroid-repo-config/ - echo -n "$${FDROID_KS}" | base64 -d > keystore.p12 - cat keystore.p12 | sha256sum - sed -i "s|KS_PASS|$${FDROID_KS_PASS}|g" config.yml - sed -i "s|KEY_PASS|$${FDROID_KEY_PASS}|g" config.yml - fdroid update - fdroid deploy - ls -laR repo secrets: [ FDROID_KS_PASS, FDROID_KEY_PASS, FDROID_KS ] push-pages-update-repo: image: commands: - if [ -f .do_not_build ]; then return 0; fi - cd ../pages/pages/ - git add -A - git status - git diff - ls -lsR fdroid/repo - git commit -m "autodeploy" - git remote remove origin - git remote add origin https://Bazsalanszky:"$${GITEA_ACCESS_TOKEN}" # force push as we removed all data - git push -f origin main - cd ../../ - pwd - ls -la secrets: [ GITEA_ACCESS_TOKEN ] when: event: cron