<h1>Infinity for Lemmy</h1> <p>A client for Lemmy, specifically designed for Android and written in Java. This project is a fork of the Infinity for Reddit project, and it is currently in the early stages of development. As such, expect many unfinished features and potential bugs!</p> <h2>Development Progress</h2> <ul> <li>[x] Implementation of basic post browsing feature</li> <li>[x] Support for multiple account handling</li> <li>[x] Functionality for post upvotes/downvotes</li> <li>[x] Functionality to browse comments</li> <li>[ ] Capability for creating a new post</li> <li>[x] Ability to create comments</li> <li>[ ] Elimination of code/string references specific to Reddit</li> <li>[ ] Incorporation of private messaging feature</li> <li>[ ] Feature for saving posts</li> <li>[ ] Account editing function</li> <li>[ ] Multi community view?</li> </ul>