Alex Ning
Use Android Paging Library to load and display best posts. Loading best posts in a specific subreddit is broken. Fixed a bug which is PostViewModel's data becoming null after the app restart. Add notch support for Android Pie.
2018-12-27 11:29:02 +08:00 |
Alex Ning
Use AspectRatiotImageView instead of ImageView to fully display the preview images of posts and prevent scrolling jump in PostFragment and ViewPostDetailActivity.
2018-10-28 23:18:01 +08:00 |
Alex Ning
Bind views using ButterKnife. Let volume controls adjust music stream in ViewVideoActivity.
2018-10-27 00:06:35 +08:00 |
Alex Ning
Load user info after the new access token is retrieved if the old access token expired. Feature added: vote comment
2018-08-18 09:22:31 +08:00 |
Alex Ning
Save subscribed subreddits and users to the SQLite database by using Room Persistence Library. Add a following section in the navigation drawer to display all the followed users. Add a NestedScrollView in the navigation drawer to wrap all the elements. Disable nested scrolling feature in all the RecyclerViews in the navigation drawer.
2018-07-29 20:25:55 +08:00 |
Alex Ning
First commit
2018-07-26 23:04:44 +08:00 |