Alex Ning
Use GifImageView to display all the images in order to prevent slow playing of the gifs. Extend GifImageView as AspectRatioGifImageView to retain the features of AspectRatioImageView.
2018-12-22 10:42:24 +08:00 |
Alex Ning
Use AspectRatiotImageView instead of ImageView to fully display the preview images of posts and prevent scrolling jump in PostFragment and ViewPostDetailActivity.
2018-10-28 23:18:01 +08:00 |
Alex Ning
Bind views using ButterKnife. Let volume controls adjust music stream in ViewVideoActivity.
2018-10-27 00:06:35 +08:00 |
Alex Ning
Use Dagger 2 to inject the Retrofit singleton to classes. Minor bugs fixed.
2018-10-12 23:52:23 +08:00 |
Alex Ning
Fixed a bug which causes the LastItemSynchronizer object in PaginationSynchronizer becomes null when the app is reopened after it was killed. Prepare to use Dagger 2 to manage Retrofit singleton.
2018-09-28 09:18:28 +08:00 |
Alex Ning
Disable the animation for finishing activity in ViewImageActivity and ViewVideoActivity. Fixed a bug that occurred when parsing posts finishes but the PostFragment is not added in any Activity (e.g. Activity finishes).
2018-09-22 10:45:38 +08:00 |
Alex Ning
Fixed a bug that the expand less button and the expand more button is not shown at the right time.
2018-09-03 16:17:51 +08:00 |
Alex Ning
Replace the RecyclerView for comments to MultiLevelRecyclerView in order to display the comment trees easily. Click the expand more button to expand the comment tree. Click the expand less button to hide the comment tree. Rewrite some code.
2018-09-03 00:05:42 +08:00 |
Alex Ning
Blur the preview image if the post is NSFW. Tweak some layouts. Optimize some methods.
2018-08-30 21:18:21 +08:00 |
Alex Ning
Change some methods related to parsing data to static methods. Preparing to use Retrofit to send API requests. Already made a change to use Retrofit to fetch comments.
2018-08-27 23:05:56 +08:00 |
Alex Ning
Display the number of gold given to the post.
2018-08-26 14:51:13 +08:00 |
Alex Ning
Load comment and post content text in HTML form instead of String. Fixed a bug that the icon of subreddits was not parsed properly in ParseSubredditData class.
2018-08-21 00:08:48 +08:00 |
Alex Ning
Rename some classes and layout resources. Feature added: view posts in ViewSubredditDetailActivity.
2018-08-20 22:33:00 +08:00 |
Alex Ning
Added feature: Vote in ViewPostDetailActivity. Fix some behavior after the vote fails.
2018-08-19 00:03:56 +08:00 |
Alex Ning
Load user info after the new access token is retrieved if the old access token expired. Feature added: vote comment
2018-08-18 09:22:31 +08:00 |
Alex Ning
Fetch the subreddit info and save it to the database. Solve a bug that cannot create a instance of SubredditViewModel.
2018-08-05 12:26:50 +08:00 |
Alex Ning
Preparing to fetch the subreddit info and save it to the database.
2018-08-01 00:15:58 +08:00 |
Alex Ning
Save subscribed subreddits and users to the SQLite database by using Room Persistence Library. Add a following section in the navigation drawer to display all the followed users. Add a NestedScrollView in the navigation drawer to wrap all the elements. Disable nested scrolling feature in all the RecyclerViews in the navigation drawer.
2018-07-29 20:25:55 +08:00 |
Alex Ning
First commit
2018-07-26 23:04:44 +08:00 |