^Since the fast scroll exists now
Root controlllers can all now swipe up from the bottom bar to expose sheet
Added option to refresh tracking for a manga
Download 3 dots hidden when theres a single chapter downloading
Recents now shows the chapter as the title, manga as subtitle
Library List view: moved start reading button outside of the manga
Reenabled freeform covers
Also never commited the fast scroll the gradle, oops
Updated Drag handle icon
Removed outline fron update button in extensions
Moved "view options" to filter sheet as "display options"
Removed freeform cover option from library 😔
Added swipe refresh to recents page
Removed a few overflows
Likely to be removed forever
Also global update no longer shows download paused notification when queing up
Also bumped up to vCode 62 since 0.9.82 is out
Also fixed issue when the manga details header is taller than the screen
Recent tab is now a combination of recent reads and updates, filtered by unread and an option to go to both old pages (which will be updated later)
Download button now has an option to start downloading a chapter now, which unpauses downloading and moves it to the top of the queue
If a chapter is added to a paused download queue with the notification swiped away, the notification returns
This is a nightmare to maintain and freeing to clean up, so it's out. Local manga will continue to be editable but online editing will remain only for covers (which wlil not be overridden when updating)
Made manga header in details its own item
Pressing the tab icon in library toggles the filters bottom sheet state, no longer just shows it
Pressing the tab icon in browse toggles the extensions sheet
Better logic in detecting which section of the list library you're in
• download cache with incorrect casing
• "view chapters" from notifcation
• Title bar centering
• Filtering by tracker