Carlos 6c1453eb54 Library filter UI change (#1211)
* similar library filter to catalog filter

* removed some commented out code

* code review changes

* fixed accidentally removing title
2018-02-16 15:23:15 +01:00

239 lines
8.5 KiB

package eu.kanade.tachiyomi.widget
import android.content.Context
import android.graphics.drawable.Drawable
import android.support.annotation.CallSuper
import android.support.graphics.drawable.VectorDrawableCompat
import android.support.v4.content.ContextCompat
import android.support.v7.widget.RecyclerView
import android.util.AttributeSet
import android.view.View
import android.view.ViewGroup
import eu.kanade.tachiyomi.R
import eu.kanade.tachiyomi.util.getResourceColor
* An alternative implementation of [android.support.design.widget.NavigationView], without menu
* inflation and allowing customizable items (multiple selections, custom views, etc).
open class ExtendedNavigationView @JvmOverloads constructor(
context: Context,
attrs: AttributeSet? = null,
defStyleAttr: Int = 0)
: SimpleNavigationView(context, attrs, defStyleAttr) {
* Every item of the nav view. Generic items must belong to this list, custom items could be
* implemented by an abstract class. If more customization is needed in the future, this can be
* changed to an interface instead of sealed class.
sealed class Item {
* A view separator.
class Separator(val paddingTop: Int = 0, val paddingBottom: Int = 0) : Item()
* A header with a title.
class Header(val resTitle: Int) : Item()
* A checkbox.
open class Checkbox(val resTitle: Int, var checked: Boolean = false) : Item()
* A checkbox belonging to a group. The group must handle selections and restrictions.
class CheckboxGroup(resTitle: Int, override val group: Group, checked: Boolean = false)
: Checkbox(resTitle, checked), GroupedItem
* A radio belonging to a group (a sole radio makes no sense). The group must handle
* selections and restrictions.
class Radio(val resTitle: Int, override val group: Group, var checked: Boolean = false)
: Item(), GroupedItem
* An item with which needs more than two states (selected/deselected).
abstract class MultiState(val resTitle: Int, var state: Int = 0) : Item() {
* Returns the drawable associated to every possible each state.
abstract fun getStateDrawable(context: Context): Drawable?
* Creates a vector tinted with the accent color.
* @param context any context.
* @param resId the vector resource to load and tint
fun tintVector(context: Context, resId: Int): Drawable {
return VectorDrawableCompat.create(context.resources, resId, context.theme)!!.apply {
* An item with which needs more than two states (selected/deselected) belonging to a group.
* The group must handle selections and restrictions.
abstract class MultiStateGroup(resTitle: Int, override val group: Group, state: Int = 0)
: MultiState(resTitle, state), GroupedItem
* A multistate item for sorting lists (unselected, ascending, descending).
class MultiSort(resId: Int, group: Group) : MultiStateGroup(resId, group) {
companion object {
const val SORT_NONE = 0
const val SORT_ASC = 1
const val SORT_DESC = 2
override fun getStateDrawable(context: Context): Drawable? {
return when (state) {
SORT_ASC -> tintVector(context, R.drawable.ic_arrow_up_white_32dp)
SORT_DESC -> tintVector(context, R.drawable.ic_arrow_down_white_32dp)
SORT_NONE -> ContextCompat.getDrawable(context, R.drawable.empty_drawable_32dp)
else -> null
* Interface for an item belonging to a group.
interface GroupedItem {
val group: Group
* A group containing a list of items.
interface Group {
* An optional header for the group, typically a [Item.Header].
val header: Item?
* An optional footer for the group, typically a [Item.Separator].
val footer: Item?
* The items of the group, excluding header and footer.
val items: List<Item>
* Creates all the elements of this group. Implementations can override this method for more
* customization.
fun createItems() = (mutableListOf<Item>() + header + items + footer).filterNotNull()
* Called after creating the list of items. Implementations should load the current values
* into the models.
fun initModels()
* Called when an item of this group is clicked. The group is responsible for all the
* selections of its items.
fun onItemClicked(item: Item)
* Base adapter for the navigation view. It knows how to create and render every subclass of
* [Item].
abstract inner class Adapter(private val items: List<Item>) : RecyclerView.Adapter<Holder>() {
private val onClick = View.OnClickListener {
val pos = recycler.getChildAdapterPosition(it)
val item = items[pos]
fun notifyItemChanged(item: Item) {
val pos = items.indexOf(item)
if (pos != -1) notifyItemChanged(pos)
override fun getItemCount(): Int {
return items.size
override fun getItemViewType(position: Int): Int {
val item = items[position]
return when (item) {
is Item.Header -> VIEW_TYPE_HEADER
is Item.Separator -> VIEW_TYPE_SEPARATOR
is Item.Radio -> VIEW_TYPE_RADIO
is Item.Checkbox -> VIEW_TYPE_CHECKBOX
is Item.MultiState -> VIEW_TYPE_MULTISTATE
override fun onCreateViewHolder(parent: ViewGroup, viewType: Int): Holder {
return when (viewType) {
VIEW_TYPE_HEADER -> HeaderHolder(parent)
VIEW_TYPE_SEPARATOR -> SeparatorHolder(parent)
VIEW_TYPE_RADIO -> RadioHolder(parent, onClick)
VIEW_TYPE_CHECKBOX -> CheckboxHolder(parent, onClick)
VIEW_TYPE_MULTISTATE -> MultiStateHolder(parent, onClick)
else -> throw Exception("Unknown view type")
override fun onBindViewHolder(holder: Holder, position: Int) {
when (holder) {
is HeaderHolder -> {
val item = items[position] as Item.Header
is SeparatorHolder -> {
val view = holder.itemView
val item = items[position] as Item.Separator
view.setPadding(0, item.paddingTop, 0, item.paddingBottom)
is RadioHolder -> {
val item = items[position] as Item.Radio
holder.radio.isChecked = item.checked
is CheckboxHolder -> {
val item = items[position] as Item.CheckboxGroup
holder.check.isChecked = item.checked
is MultiStateHolder -> {
val item = items[position] as Item.MultiStateGroup
val drawable = item.getStateDrawable(context)
holder.text.setCompoundDrawablesWithIntrinsicBounds(drawable, null, null, null)
abstract fun onItemClicked(item: Item)