package eu.kanade.tachiyomi.util import android.content.Context import android.content.Intent import import android.os.Build import android.os.Environment import import import import import import import object DiskUtil { fun isImage(name: String, openStream: (() -> InputStream)? = null): Boolean { val contentType = try { URLConnection.guessContentTypeFromName(name) } catch (e: Exception) { null } ?: openStream?.let { findImageMime(it) } return contentType?.startsWith("image/") ?: false } fun findImageMime(openStream: () -> InputStream): String? { try { openStream().buffered().use { val bytes = ByteArray(8) it.mark(bytes.size) val length =, 0, bytes.size) it.reset() if (length == -1) return null if (bytes[0] == 'G'.toByte() && bytes[1] == 'I'.toByte() && bytes[2] == 'F'.toByte() && bytes[3] == '8'.toByte()) { return "image/gif" } else if (bytes[0] == 0x89.toByte() && bytes[1] == 0x50.toByte() && bytes[2] == 0x4E.toByte() && bytes[3] == 0x47.toByte() && bytes[4] == 0x0D.toByte() && bytes[5] == 0x0A.toByte() && bytes[6] == 0x1A.toByte() && bytes[7] == 0x0A.toByte()) { return "image/png" } else if (bytes[0] == 0xFF.toByte() && bytes[1] == 0xD8.toByte() && bytes[2] == 0xFF.toByte()) { return "image/jpeg" } else if (bytes[0] == 'W'.toByte() && bytes[1] == 'E'.toByte() && bytes[2] == 'B'.toByte() && bytes[3] == 'P'.toByte()) { return "image/webp" } } } catch(e: Exception) { } return null } fun hashKeyForDisk(key: String): String { return try { val bytes = MessageDigest.getInstance("MD5").digest(key.toByteArray()) val sb = StringBuilder() bytes.forEach { byte -> sb.append(Integer.toHexString(byte.toInt() and 0xFF or 0x100).substring(1, 3)) } sb.toString() } catch (e: NoSuchAlgorithmException) { key.hashCode().toString() } } fun getDirectorySize(f: File): Long { var size: Long = 0 if (f.isDirectory) { for (file in f.listFiles()) { size += getDirectorySize(file) } } else { size = f.length() } return size } /** * Returns the root folders of all the available external storages. */ fun getExternalStorages(context: Context): Collection { val directories = mutableSetOf() directories += ContextCompat.getExternalFilesDirs(context, null) .filterNotNull() .mapNotNull { val file = File(it.absolutePath.substringBefore("/Android/")) val state = EnvironmentCompat.getStorageState(file) if (state == Environment.MEDIA_MOUNTED || state == Environment.MEDIA_MOUNTED_READ_ONLY) { file } else { null } } if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT < 21) { val extStorages = System.getenv("SECONDARY_STORAGE") if (extStorages != null) { directories += extStorages.split(":").map(::File) } } return directories } /** * Scans the given file so that it can be shown in gallery apps, for example. */ fun scanMedia(context: Context, file: File) { scanMedia(context, Uri.fromFile(file)) } /** * Scans the given file so that it can be shown in gallery apps, for example. */ fun scanMedia(context: Context, uri: Uri) { val action = if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT < Build.VERSION_CODES.KITKAT) { Intent.ACTION_MEDIA_MOUNTED } else { Intent.ACTION_MEDIA_SCANNER_SCAN_FILE } val mediaScanIntent = Intent(action) = uri context.sendBroadcast(mediaScanIntent) } /** * Mutate the given filename to make it valid for a FAT filesystem, * replacing any invalid characters with "_". This method doesn't allow hidden files (starting * with a dot), but you can manually add it later. */ fun buildValidFilename(origName: String): String { val name = origName.trim('.', ' ') if (name.isNullOrEmpty()) { return "(invalid)" } val sb = StringBuilder(name.length) name.forEach { c -> if (isValidFatFilenameChar(c)) { sb.append(c) } else { sb.append('_') } } // Even though vfat allows 255 UCS-2 chars, we might eventually write to // ext4 through a FUSE layer, so use that limit minus 15 reserved characters. return sb.toString().take(240) } /** * Returns true if the given character is a valid filename character, false otherwise. */ private fun isValidFatFilenameChar(c: Char): Boolean { if (0x00.toChar() <= c && c <= 0x1f.toChar()) { return false } return when (c) { '"', '*', '/', ':', '<', '>', '?', '\\', '|', 0x7f.toChar() -> false else -> true } } }