package eu.kanade.tachiyomi.source import android.content.Context import com.github.junrar.Archive import eu.kanade.tachiyomi.R import eu.kanade.tachiyomi.source.model.Filter import eu.kanade.tachiyomi.source.model.FilterList import eu.kanade.tachiyomi.source.model.MangasPage import eu.kanade.tachiyomi.source.model.Page import eu.kanade.tachiyomi.source.model.SChapter import eu.kanade.tachiyomi.source.model.SManga import eu.kanade.tachiyomi.util.chapter.ChapterRecognition import eu.kanade.tachiyomi.util.lang.compareToCaseInsensitiveNaturalOrder import import import eu.kanade.tachiyomi.util.system.ImageUtil import eu.kanade.tachiyomi.util.system.logcat import kotlinx.serialization.json.Json import kotlinx.serialization.json.JsonObject import kotlinx.serialization.json.contentOrNull import kotlinx.serialization.json.decodeFromStream import kotlinx.serialization.json.intOrNull import kotlinx.serialization.json.jsonArray import kotlinx.serialization.json.jsonPrimitive import logcat.LogPriority import rx.Observable import uy.kohesive.injekt.injectLazy import import import import java.util.Locale import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit import class LocalSource(private val context: Context) : CatalogueSource { companion object { const val ID = 0L const val HELP_URL = "" private const val COVER_NAME = "cover.jpg" private val LATEST_THRESHOLD = TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS.convert(7, TimeUnit.DAYS) fun updateCover(context: Context, manga: SManga, input: InputStream): File? { val dir = getBaseDirectories(context).firstOrNull() if (dir == null) { input.close() return null } var cover = getCoverFile(File("${dir.absolutePath}/${manga.url}")) if (cover == null) { cover = File("${dir.absolutePath}/${manga.url}", COVER_NAME) } if (!cover.exists()) { // It might not exist if using the external SD card cover.parentFile?.mkdirs() input.use { cover.outputStream().use { input.copyTo(it) } } } return cover } /** * Returns valid cover file inside [parent] directory. */ private fun getCoverFile(parent: File): File? { return parent.listFiles()?.find { it.nameWithoutExtension == "cover" }?.takeIf { it.isFile && ImageUtil.isImage( { it.inputStream() } } } private fun getBaseDirectories(context: Context): List { val c = context.getString(R.string.app_name) + File.separator + "local" return DiskUtil.getExternalStorages(context).map { File(it.absolutePath, c) } } } private val json: Json by injectLazy() override val id = ID override val name = context.getString(R.string.local_source) override val lang = "other" override val supportsLatest = true override fun toString() = name override fun fetchPopularManga(page: Int) = fetchSearchManga(page, "", POPULAR_FILTERS) override fun fetchSearchManga(page: Int, query: String, filters: FilterList): Observable { val baseDirs = getBaseDirectories(context) val time = if (filters === LATEST_FILTERS) System.currentTimeMillis() - LATEST_THRESHOLD else 0L var mangaDirs = baseDirs .asSequence() .mapNotNull { it.listFiles()?.toList() } .flatten() .filter { it.isDirectory } .filterNot {'.') } .filter { if (time == 0L), ignoreCase = true) else it.lastModified() >= time } .distinctBy { } val state = ((if (filters.isEmpty()) POPULAR_FILTERS else filters)[0] as OrderBy).state when (state?.index) { 0 -> { mangaDirs = if (state.ascending) { mangaDirs.sortedBy { } } else { mangaDirs.sortedByDescending { } } } 1 -> { mangaDirs = if (state.ascending) { mangaDirs.sortedBy(File::lastModified) } else { mangaDirs.sortedByDescending(File::lastModified) } } } val mangas = { mangaDir -> SManga.create().apply { title = url = // Try to find the cover for (dir in baseDirs) { val cover = getCoverFile(File("${dir.absolutePath}/$url")) if (cover != null && cover.exists()) { thumbnail_url = cover.absolutePath break } } val chapters = fetchChapterList(this).toBlocking().first() if (chapters.isNotEmpty()) { val chapter = chapters.last() val format = getFormat(chapter) if (format is Format.Epub) { EpubFile(format.file).use { epub -> epub.fillMangaMetadata(this) } } // Copy the cover from the first chapter found. if (thumbnail_url == null) { try { val dest = updateCover(chapter, this) thumbnail_url = dest?.absolutePath } catch (e: Exception) { logcat(LogPriority.ERROR, e) } } } } } return Observable.just(MangasPage(mangas.toList(), false)) } override fun fetchLatestUpdates(page: Int) = fetchSearchManga(page, "", LATEST_FILTERS) override fun fetchMangaDetails(manga: SManga): Observable { getBaseDirectories(context) .asSequence() .mapNotNull { File(it, manga.url).listFiles()?.toList() } .flatten() .firstOrNull { it.extension.lowercase() == "json" } ?.apply { val obj = json.decodeFromStream(inputStream()) manga.title = obj["title"]?.jsonPrimitive?.contentOrNull ?: manga.title = obj["author"]?.jsonPrimitive?.contentOrNull ?: manga.artist = obj["artist"]?.jsonPrimitive?.contentOrNull ?: manga.artist manga.description = obj["description"]?.jsonPrimitive?.contentOrNull ?: manga.description manga.genre = obj["genre"]?.jsonArray?.joinToString(", ") { it.jsonPrimitive.content } ?: manga.genre manga.status = obj["status"]?.jsonPrimitive?.intOrNull ?: manga.status } return Observable.just(manga) } override fun fetchChapterList(manga: SManga): Observable> { val chapters = getBaseDirectories(context) .asSequence() .mapNotNull { File(it, manga.url).listFiles()?.toList() } .flatten() .filter { it.isDirectory || isSupportedFile(it.extension) } .map { chapterFile -> SChapter.create().apply { url = "${manga.url}/${}" name = if (chapterFile.isDirectory) { } else { chapterFile.nameWithoutExtension } date_upload = chapterFile.lastModified() val format = getFormat(chapterFile) if (format is Format.Epub) { EpubFile(format.file).use { epub -> epub.fillChapterMetadata(this) } } name = getCleanChapterTitle(name, manga.title) ChapterRecognition.parseChapterNumber(this, manga) } } .sortedWith { c1, c2 -> val c = c2.chapter_number.compareTo(c1.chapter_number) if (c == 0) else c } .toList() return Observable.just(chapters) } /** * Strips the manga title from a chapter name and trim whitespace/delimiter characters. */ private fun getCleanChapterTitle(chapterName: String, mangaTitle: String): String { return chapterName .replace(mangaTitle, "") .trim(*WHITESPACE_CHARS.toCharArray(), '-', '_', ',', ':') } override fun fetchPageList(chapter: SChapter): Observable> { return Observable.error(Exception("Unused")) } private fun isSupportedFile(extension: String): Boolean { return extension.lowercase() in SUPPORTED_ARCHIVE_TYPES } fun getFormat(chapter: SChapter): Format { val baseDirs = getBaseDirectories(context) for (dir in baseDirs) { val chapFile = File(dir, chapter.url) if (!chapFile.exists()) continue return getFormat(chapFile) } throw Exception(context.getString(R.string.chapter_not_found)) } private fun getFormat(file: File) = with(file) { when { isDirectory -> Format.Directory(this) extension.equals("zip", true) || extension.equals("cbz", true) -> Format.Zip(this) extension.equals("rar", true) || extension.equals("cbr", true) -> Format.Rar(this) extension.equals("epub", true) -> Format.Epub(this) else -> throw Exception(context.getString(R.string.local_invalid_format)) } } private fun updateCover(chapter: SChapter, manga: SManga): File? { return when (val format = getFormat(chapter)) { is Format.Directory -> { val entry = format.file.listFiles() ?.sortedWith { f1, f2 -> } ?.find { !it.isDirectory && ImageUtil.isImage( { FileInputStream(it) } } entry?.let { updateCover(context, manga, it.inputStream()) } } is Format.Zip -> { ZipFile(format.file).use { zip -> val entry = zip.entries().toList() .sortedWith { f1, f2 -> } .find { !it.isDirectory && ImageUtil.isImage( { zip.getInputStream(it) } } entry?.let { updateCover(context, manga, zip.getInputStream(it)) } } } is Format.Rar -> { Archive(format.file).use { archive -> val entry = archive.fileHeaders .sortedWith { f1, f2 -> f1.fileName.compareToCaseInsensitiveNaturalOrder(f2.fileName) } .find { !it.isDirectory && ImageUtil.isImage(it.fileName) { archive.getInputStream(it) } } entry?.let { updateCover(context, manga, archive.getInputStream(it)) } } } is Format.Epub -> { EpubFile(format.file).use { epub -> val entry = epub.getImagesFromPages() .firstOrNull() ?.let { epub.getEntry(it) } entry?.let { updateCover(context, manga, epub.getInputStream(it)) } } } } } override fun getFilterList() = POPULAR_FILTERS private val POPULAR_FILTERS = FilterList(OrderBy(context)) private val LATEST_FILTERS = FilterList(OrderBy(context).apply { state = Filter.Sort.Selection(1, false) }) private class OrderBy(context: Context) : Filter.Sort( context.getString(R.string.local_filter_order_by), arrayOf(context.getString(R.string.title), context.getString(, Selection(0, true) ) sealed class Format { data class Directory(val file: File) : Format() data class Zip(val file: File) : Format() data class Rar(val file: File) : Format() data class Epub(val file: File) : Format() } } private val SUPPORTED_ARCHIVE_TYPES = listOf("zip", "cbz", "rar", "cbr", "epub") private val WHITESPACE_CHARS = arrayOf( ' ', '\u0009', '\u000A', '\u000B', '\u000C', '\u000D', '\u0020', '\u0085', '\u00A0', '\u1680', '\u2000', '\u2001', '\u2002', '\u2003', '\u2004', '\u2005', '\u2006', '\u2007', '\u2008', '\u2009', '\u200A', '\u2028', '\u2029', '\u202F', '\u205F', '\u3000', )