Slavi Pantaleev fa76128fd8 Update Jitsi to build 5142
This supersedes/fixes-up this Pull Request:

The Jitsi Web and JVB containers now (in build 5142) always
start by bulding their own default configuration
(`config.js` and ``, respectively).

The fact that we were generating these files ourselves was no longer of use,
because our configuration was thrown away in favor of the one created
by the containers on startup.

With this commit, we're completely redoing things. We no longer
generate these configuration files. We try to pass the proper
environment variables, so that Jitsi services can generate the
configuration files themselves.

Besides that, we try to use the "custom configuration" mechanism
provided by Jitsi Web and Jitsi JVB (`custom-config.js` and
``, respectively), so that
we and our users can inject additional configuration.

Some configuration options we had are gone now. Others are no longer
controllable via variables and need to be injected using
the `_config_extension` variables that we provide.

The validation logic that is part of the role should take care
to inform people about how to upgrade (if they're using some custom
configuration, which needs special care now). Most users should not
have to do anything special though.
2020-11-27 17:57:15 +02:00

250 lines
12 KiB

matrix_jitsi_enabled: true
matrix_jitsi_base_path: "{{ matrix_base_data_path }}/jitsi"
matrix_jitsi_enable_auth: false
matrix_jitsi_enable_guests: false
matrix_jitsi_enable_recording: true
matrix_jitsi_enable_transcriptions: true
matrix_jitsi_enable_p2p: true
# Authentication type, must be one of internal, jwt or ldap. Currently only
# internal and ldap are supported by this playbook.
matrix_jitsi_auth_type: internal
# Configuration options for LDAP authentication. For details see upstream:
# Defaults are taken from:
matrix_jitsi_ldap_url: ""
matrix_jitsi_ldap_base: ""
matrix_jitsi_ldap_binddn: ""
matrix_jitsi_ldap_bindpw: ""
matrix_jitsi_ldap_filter: "uid=%u"
matrix_jitsi_ldap_auth_method: "bind"
matrix_jitsi_ldap_version: "3"
matrix_jitsi_ldap_use_tls: false
matrix_jitsi_ldap_tls_ciphers: ""
matrix_jitsi_ldap_tls_check_peer: false
matrix_jitsi_ldap_tls_cacert_file: "/etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt"
matrix_jitsi_ldap_tls_cacert_dir: "/etc/ssl/certs"
matrix_jitsi_ldap_start_tls: false
matrix_jitsi_timezone: UTC
matrix_jitsi_xmpp_domain: matrix-jitsi-web
matrix_jitsi_xmpp_server: matrix-jitsi-prosody
matrix_jitsi_xmpp_bosh_url_base: http://{{ matrix_jitsi_xmpp_server }}:5280
matrix_jitsi_jibri_brewery_muc: jibribrewery
matrix_jitsi_jibri_pending_timeout: 90
matrix_jitsi_jibri_xmpp_user: jibri
matrix_jitsi_jibri_xmpp_password: ''
matrix_jitsi_jibri_recorder_user: recorder
matrix_jitsi_jibri_recorder_password: ''
matrix_jitsi_enable_lobby: false
matrix_jitsi_container_image_tag: "stable-5142"
matrix_jitsi_web_docker_image: "{{ matrix_jitsi_container_image_tag }}"
matrix_jitsi_web_docker_image_force_pull: "{{ matrix_jitsi_web_docker_image.endswith(':latest') }}"
matrix_jitsi_web_base_path: "{{ matrix_base_data_path }}/jitsi/web"
matrix_jitsi_web_config_path: "{{ matrix_jitsi_web_base_path }}/config"
matrix_jitsi_web_transcripts_path: "{{ matrix_jitsi_web_base_path }}/transcripts"
matrix_jitsi_web_public_url: "https://{{ matrix_server_fqn_jitsi }}"
# STUN servers used in the web UI. Feel free to point them to your own STUN server.
# Addresses need to be prefixed with one of `stun:`, `turn:` or `turns:`.
matrix_jitsi_web_stun_servers: ['']
# Controls whether the matrix-jitsi-web container exposes its HTTP port (tcp/80 in the container).
# Takes an "<ip>:<port>" or "<port>" value (e.g. ""), or empty string to not expose.
matrix_jitsi_web_container_http_host_bind_port: ''
# A list of extra arguments to pass to the container
matrix_jitsi_web_container_extra_arguments: []
# List of systemd services that matrix-jitsi-web.service depends on
matrix_jitsi_web_systemd_required_services_list: ['docker.service']
# Some variables controlling the interface of Jitsi Web.
# These get applied to `templates/web/interface_config.js.j2`.
# Besides this, you can also use `matrix_jitsi_web_custom_interface_config_extension`
# to define any other configuration option.
matrix_jitsi_web_interface_config_lang_detection: false
matrix_jitsi_web_interface_config_show_jitsi_watermark: true
matrix_jitsi_web_interface_config_jitsi_watermark_link: ""
matrix_jitsi_web_interface_config_show_brand_watermark: false
matrix_jitsi_web_interface_config_brand_watermark_link: ""
matrix_jitsi_web_interface_config_generate_room_names_on_welcome_page: true
matrix_jitsi_web_interface_config_display_welcome_page_content: true
matrix_jitsi_web_interface_config_app_name: "Jitsi Meet"
matrix_jitsi_web_interface_config_native_app_name: "Jitsi Meet"
matrix_jitsi_web_interface_config_provider_name: "Jitsi"
matrix_jitsi_web_interface_config_show_powered_by: false
matrix_jitsi_web_interface_config_disable_transcription_subtitles: false
matrix_jisti_web_interface_config_show_deep_linking_image: false
# Custom configuration to be injected into `interface_config.js`, passed to Jitsi Web.
# This configuration gets appended to the final interface configuration that Jitsi Web uses.
# Note: not to be confused with `matrix_jitsi_web_custom_config_extension`.
# For interface configuration, the flow is like this:
# - the contents of `templates/web/interface_config.js.j2` is generated (based on various `matrix_jitsi_web_interface_config_*` variables you see in this file)
# - the contents of `matrix_jitsi_web_custom_interface_config_extension` is appended and can define new settings or override defaults.
# Example:
# matrix_jitsi_web_custom_interface_config_extension: |
# interfaceConfig.DISABLE_VIDEO_BACKGROUND = true;
matrix_jitsi_web_custom_interface_config_extension: ''
# Controls after which participant audio will be muted. If not specified, defaults to Jitsi's default value (likely 10)
matrix_jitsi_web_config_start_audio_muted_after_nth_participant: ~
# Controls after which participant video will be muted. If not specified, defaults to Jitsi's default value (likely 10)
matrix_jitsi_web_config_start_video_muted_after_nth_participant: ~
matrix_jitsi_web_config_defaultLanguage: 'en'
# Ideal and also maximum resolution width. If not specified, defaults to Jitsi's default value (likely 1280)
matrix_jitsi_web_config_resolution_width_ideal_and_max: ~
# Minimum resolution width. If not specified, defaults to Jitsi's default value (likely 320)
matrix_jitsi_web_config_resolution_width_min: ~
# Ideal and also maximum resolution height. If not specified, defaults to Jitsi's default value (likely 720)
matrix_jitsi_web_config_resolution_height_ideal_and_max: ~
# Minimum resolution height. If not specified, defaults to Jitsi's default value (likely 180)
matrix_jitsi_web_config_resolution_height_min: ~
# Custom configuration to be injected into `custom-config.js`, passed to Jitsi Web.
# This configuration gets appended to the final configuration that Jitsi Web uses.
# Note: not to be confused with `matrix_jitsi_web_custom_interface_config_extension`.
# The flow is like this:
# - some default configuration is automatically generated based on the environment variables passed to the Jitsi Web container
# - the contents of `custom-config.js` is appended to it (see `templates/web/custom-config.js.j2`)
# - said `custom-config.js` contains your custom contents specified in `matrix_jitsi_web_custom_config_extension`.
# Example:
# matrix_jitsi_web_custom_config_extension: |
# if (!config.hasOwnProperty('testing')) config.testing = {};
# config.testing.p2pTestMode = true
matrix_jitsi_web_custom_config_extension: ''
# Additional environment variables to pass to the Jitsi Web container.
# You can use this to further influence the default configuration generated by the Jitsi Web container on every startup.
# Besides influencing the final configuration by passing environment variables, you can also inject custom configuration
# by using `matrix_jitsi_web_custom_config_extension`.
# Example:
# matrix_jitsi_web_environment_variables_extension: |
# DROPBOX_APPKEY=something
matrix_jitsi_web_environment_variables_extension: ''
matrix_jitsi_prosody_docker_image: "{{ matrix_jitsi_container_image_tag }}"
matrix_jitsi_prosody_docker_image_force_pull: "{{ matrix_jitsi_prosody_docker_image.endswith(':latest') }}"
matrix_jitsi_prosody_base_path: "{{ matrix_base_data_path }}/jitsi/prosody"
matrix_jitsi_prosody_config_path: "{{ matrix_jitsi_prosody_base_path }}/config"
matrix_jitsi_prosody_plugins_path: "{{ matrix_jitsi_prosody_base_path }}/prosody-plugins-custom"
# A list of extra arguments to pass to the container
matrix_jitsi_prosody_container_extra_arguments: []
# List of systemd services that matrix-jitsi-prosody.service depends on
matrix_jitsi_prosody_systemd_required_services_list: ['docker.service']
matrix_jitsi_jicofo_docker_image: "{{ matrix_jitsi_container_image_tag }}"
matrix_jitsi_jicofo_docker_image_force_pull: "{{ matrix_jitsi_jicofo_docker_image.endswith(':latest') }}"
matrix_jitsi_jicofo_base_path: "{{ matrix_base_data_path }}/jitsi/jicofo"
matrix_jitsi_jicofo_config_path: "{{ matrix_jitsi_jicofo_base_path }}/config"
# A list of extra arguments to pass to the container
matrix_jitsi_jicofo_container_extra_arguments: []
# List of systemd services that matrix-jitsi-jicofo.service depends on
matrix_jitsi_jicofo_systemd_required_services_list: ['docker.service', 'matrix-jitsi-prosody.service']
matrix_jitsi_jicofo_component_secret: ''
matrix_jitsi_jicofo_auth_user: focus
matrix_jitsi_jicofo_auth_password: ''
matrix_jitsi_jvb_docker_image: "{{ matrix_jitsi_container_image_tag }}"
matrix_jitsi_jvb_docker_image_force_pull: "{{ matrix_jitsi_jvb_docker_image.endswith(':latest') }}"
matrix_jitsi_jvb_base_path: "{{ matrix_base_data_path }}/jitsi/jvb"
matrix_jitsi_jvb_config_path: "{{ matrix_jitsi_jvb_base_path }}/config"
# A list of extra arguments to pass to the container
matrix_jitsi_jvb_container_extra_arguments: []
# List of systemd services that matrix-jitsi-jvb.service depends on
matrix_jitsi_jvb_systemd_required_services_list: ['docker.service', 'matrix-jitsi-prosody.service']
matrix_jitsi_jvb_auth_user: jvb
matrix_jitsi_jvb_auth_password: ''
# STUN servers used by JVB on the server-side, so it can discover its own external IP address.
# Pointing this to a STUN server running on the same Docker network may lead to incorrect IP address discovery.
matrix_jitsi_jvb_stun_servers: ['']
matrix_jitsi_jvb_brewery_muc: jvbbrewery
matrix_jitsi_jvb_rtp_udp_port: 10000
matrix_jitsi_jvb_rtp_tcp_port: 4443
# Custom configuration to be injected into ``, passed to Jitsi JVB.
# This configuration gets appended to the final configuration that Jitsi JVB uses.
# The flow is like this:
# - some default configuration is automatically generated based on the environment variables passed to the Jitsi JVB container
# - the contents of `` is appended to it (see `templates/jvb/`)
# - said `` contains your custom contents specified in `matrix_jitsi_jvb_custom_config_extension`.
# Example:
# matrix_jitsi_jvb_custom_config_extension: |
# org.jitsi.videobridge.xmpp.user.shard.DISABLE_CERTIFICATE_VERIFICATION=false
# org.jitsi.videobridge.ENABLE_STATISTICS=false
matrix_jitsi_jvb_custom_config_extension: ''
# Additional environment variables to pass to the Jitsi JVB container.
# You can use this to further influence the default configuration generated by the Jitsi JVB container on every startup.
# Besides influencing the final configuration by passing environment variables, you can also inject custom configuration
# by using `matrix_jitsi_jvb_custom_config_extension`.
# Example:
# matrix_jitsi_jvb_environment_variables_extension: |
matrix_jitsi_jvb_environment_variables_extension: ''
# Controls whether the matrix-jitsi-jvb container exposes its RTP UDP port (udp/10000 in the container).
# Takes an "<ip>:<port>" or "<port>" value (e.g. ""), or empty string to not expose.
matrix_jitsi_jvb_container_rtp_udp_host_bind_port: "{{ matrix_jitsi_jvb_rtp_udp_port }}"
# Controls whether the matrix-jitsi-jvb container exposes its RTP UDP port (udp/4443 in the container).
# Takes an "<ip>:<port>" or "<port>" value (e.g. ""), or empty string to not expose.
matrix_jitsi_jvb_container_rtp_tcp_host_bind_port: "{{ matrix_jitsi_jvb_rtp_tcp_port }}"