Slavi Pantaleev bb816df557 Move mautrix telegram and whatsapp into separate roles
The goal is to move each bridge into its own separate role.
This commit starts off the work on this with 2 bridges:
- mautrix-telegram
- mautrix-whatsapp

Each bridge's role (including these 2) is meant to:

- depend only on the matrix-base role

- integrate nicely with the matrix-synapse role (if available)

- integrate nicely with the matrix-nginx-proxy role (if available and if
required). mautrix-telegram bridge benefits from integrating with

- not break if matrix-synapse or matrix-nginx-proxy are not used at all

This has been provoked by #174 (Github Issue).
2019-05-14 23:47:22 +09:00

819 lines
40 KiB

# Synapse is a Matrix homeserver
# See:
matrix_synapse_enabled: true
matrix_synapse_docker_image: "matrixdotorg/synapse:v0.99.3.2"
matrix_synapse_base_path: "{{ matrix_base_data_path }}/synapse"
matrix_synapse_config_dir_path: "{{ matrix_synapse_base_path }}/config"
matrix_synapse_run_path: "{{ matrix_synapse_base_path }}/run"
matrix_synapse_storage_path: "{{ matrix_synapse_base_path }}/storage"
matrix_synapse_media_store_path: "{{ matrix_synapse_storage_path }}/media-store"
matrix_synapse_ext_path: "{{ matrix_synapse_base_path }}/ext"
# Controls whether the Synapse container exposes the Client/Server API port (tcp/8008).
matrix_synapse_container_expose_client_api_port: false
# Controls whether the Synapse container exposes the Server/Server (Federation) API port (tcp/8048).
# This is for the plain HTTP API. If you need Synapse to handle TLS encryption,
# that would be on another port (tcp/8448) controlled by `matrix_synapse_tls_federation_listener_enabled`.
matrix_synapse_container_expose_federation_api_port: false
# Controls whether the Appservice IRC container exposes the Client/Server API port (tcp/9999).
matrix_appservice_irc_container_expose_client_server_api_port: false
# Controls whether the Appservice Discord container exposes the Client/Server API port (tcp/9005).
matrix_appservice_discord_container_expose_client_server_api_port: false
# Controls whether the matrix-synapse container exposes the metrics port (tcp/9100).
matrix_synapse_container_expose_metrics_port: false
# A list of extra arguments to pass to the container
matrix_synapse_container_extra_arguments: []
# List of systemd services that matrix-synapse.service depends on
matrix_synapse_systemd_required_services_list: ['docker.service']
# List of systemd services that matrix-synapse.service wants
matrix_synapse_systemd_wanted_services_list: []
matrix_synapse_in_container_python_packages_path: "/usr/local/lib/python3.6/site-packages"
# Specifies which template files to use when configuring Synapse.
# If you'd like to have your own different configuration, feel free to copy and paste
# the original files into your inventory (e.g. in `inventory/host_vars/<host>/`)
# and then change the specific host's `vars.yaml` file like this:
# matrix_synapse_template_synapse_homeserver: "{{ playbook_dir }}/inventory/host_vars/<host>/homeserver.yaml.j2"
matrix_synapse_template_synapse_homeserver: "{{ role_path }}/templates/synapse/homeserver.yaml.j2"
matrix_synapse_template_synapse_log: "{{ role_path }}/templates/synapse/synapse.log.config.j2"
matrix_synapse_macaroon_secret_key: ""
matrix_synapse_registration_shared_secret: "{{ matrix_synapse_macaroon_secret_key }}"
matrix_synapse_form_secret: "{{ matrix_synapse_macaroon_secret_key }}"
# The list of identity servers to use for Synapse.
# We assume this role runs standalone without a local Identity server, so we point Synapse to public ones.
# This most likely gets overwritten later, so that a local Identity server is used.
matrix_synapse_trusted_third_party_id_servers: "{{ matrix_synapse_id_servers_public }}"
matrix_synapse_max_upload_size_mb: 10
matrix_synapse_max_log_file_size_mb: 100
matrix_synapse_max_log_files_count: 10
# The tmpfs at /tmp needs to be large enough to handle multiple concurrent file uploads.
matrix_synapse_tmp_directory_size_mb: "{{ matrix_synapse_max_upload_size_mb * 50 }}"
# Log levels
# Possible options are defined here
# warning: setting log level to DEBUG will make synapse log sensitive information such
# as access tokens
matrix_synapse_log_level: "INFO"
matrix_synapse_storage_sql_log_level: "INFO"
matrix_synapse_root_log_level: "INFO"
# Rate limits
matrix_synapse_rc_messages_per_second: 0.2
matrix_synapse_rc_message_burst_count: 10.0
per_second: 0.17
burst_count: 3
per_second: 0.17
burst_count: 3
per_second: 0.17
burst_count: 3
per_second: 0.17
burst_count: 3
matrix_synapse_federation_rc_window_size: 1000
matrix_synapse_federation_rc_sleep_limit: 10
matrix_synapse_federation_rc_sleep_delay: 500
matrix_synapse_federation_rc_reject_limit: 50
matrix_synapse_federation_rc_concurrent: 3
matrix_synapse_federation_rr_transactions_per_room_per_second: 50
# Controls whether the TLS federation listener is enabled (tcp/8448).
# Only makes sense if federation is enabled (`matrix_synapse_federation_enabled`).
# Note that federation may potentially be enabled as non-TLS on tcp/8048 as well.
# If you're serving Synapse behind an HTTPS-capable reverse-proxy,
# you can disable the TLS listener (`matrix_synapse_tls_federation_listener_enabled: false`).
matrix_synapse_tls_federation_listener_enabled: true
matrix_synapse_tls_certificate_path: "/data/{{ matrix_server_fqn_matrix }}.tls.crt"
matrix_synapse_tls_private_key_path: "/data/{{ matrix_server_fqn_matrix }}.tls.key"
# Enable this to allow Synapse to report utilization statistics about your server to
# (things like number of users, number of messages sent, uptime, load, etc.)
matrix_synapse_report_stats: false
# Controls whether the Matrix server will track presence status (online, offline, unavailable) for users.
# If users participate in large rooms with many other servers,
# disabling this will decrease server load significantly.
matrix_synapse_use_presence: true
# Controls whether people with access to the homeserver can register by themselves.
matrix_synapse_enable_registration: false
# A list of 3PID types which users must supply when registering (possible values: email, msisdn).
matrix_synapse_registrations_require_3pid: []
# Users who register on this homeserver will automatically be joined to these rooms.
# Rooms are to be specified using addresses (e.g. ``)
matrix_synapse_auto_join_rooms: []
# Controls whether auto-join rooms (`matrix_synapse_auto_join_rooms`) are to be created
# automatically if they don't already exist.
matrix_synapse_autocreate_auto_join_rooms: true
# Controls password-peppering for Synapse. Not to be changed after initial setup.
matrix_synapse_password_config_pepper: ""
# Controls the number of events that Synapse caches in memory.
matrix_synapse_event_cache_size: "100K"
# Controls cache sizes for Synapse via the SYNAPSE_CACHE_FACTOR environment variable.
# Raise this to increase cache sizes or lower it to potentially lower memory use.
# To learn more, see:
# -
# -
matrix_synapse_cache_factor: 0.5
# Controls whether Synapse will federate at all.
# Disable this to completely isolate your server from the rest of the Matrix network.
# Also see: `matrix_synapse_tls_federation_listener_enabled` if you wish to keep federation enabled,
# but want to stop the TLS listener (port 8448).
matrix_synapse_federation_enabled: true
# A list of domain names that are allowed to federate with the given Synapse server.
# An empty list value (`[]`) will also effectively stop federation, but if that's the desired
# result, it's better to accomplish it by changing `matrix_synapse_federation_enabled`.
matrix_synapse_federation_domain_whitelist: ~
# A list of additional "volumes" to mount in the container.
# This list gets populated dynamically based on Synapse extensions that have been enabled.
# Contains definition objects like this: `{"src": "/outside", "dst": "/inside", "options": "rw|ro|slave|.."}
matrix_synapse_container_additional_volumes: []
# A list of additional loggers to register in synapse.log.config.
# This list gets populated dynamically based on Synapse extensions that have been enabled.
# Contains definition objects like this: `{"name": "..", "level": "DEBUG"}
matrix_synapse_additional_loggers: []
# A list of service config files
# This list gets populated dynamically based on Synapse extensions that have been enabled.
# Contains fs paths
matrix_synapse_app_service_config_files: []
# This is set dynamically during execution depending on whether
# any password providers have been enabled or not.
matrix_synapse_password_providers_enabled: false
# Whether clients can request to include message content in push notifications
# sent through third party servers. Setting this to false requires mobile clients
# to load message content directly from the homeserver.
matrix_synapse_push_include_content: true
# If url previews should be generated. This will cause a request from Synapse to
# URLs shared by users.
matrix_synapse_url_preview_enabled: true
# Enable exposure of metrics to Prometheus
# See
matrix_synapse_metrics_enabled: false
matrix_synapse_metrics_port: 9100
# Postgres database information
matrix_synapse_database_host: ""
matrix_synapse_database_user: ""
matrix_synapse_database_password: ""
matrix_synapse_database_database: ""
matrix_synapse_turn_uris: []
matrix_synapse_turn_shared_secret: ""
matrix_synapse_email_enabled: false
matrix_synapse_email_smtp_host: ""
matrix_synapse_email_smtp_port: 587
matrix_synapse_email_smtp_require_transport_security: false
matrix_synapse_email_notif_from: "Matrix <matrix@{{ matrix_domain }}>"
matrix_synapse_email_riot_base_url: "https://{{ matrix_server_fqn_riot }}"
# Enable this to activate the REST auth password provider module.
# See:
matrix_synapse_ext_password_provider_rest_auth_enabled: false
matrix_synapse_ext_password_provider_rest_auth_download_url: ""
matrix_synapse_ext_password_provider_rest_auth_endpoint: ""
matrix_synapse_ext_password_provider_rest_auth_registration_enforce_lowercase: false
matrix_synapse_ext_password_provider_rest_auth_registration_profile_name_autofill: true
matrix_synapse_ext_password_provider_rest_auth_login_profile_name_autofill: false
# Enable this to activate the Shared Secret Auth password provider module.
# See:
matrix_synapse_ext_password_provider_shared_secret_auth_enabled: false
matrix_synapse_ext_password_provider_shared_secret_auth_download_url: ""
matrix_synapse_ext_password_provider_shared_secret_auth_shared_secret: ""
# Enable this to activate LDAP password provider
matrix_synapse_ext_password_provider_ldap_enabled: false
matrix_synapse_ext_password_provider_ldap_uri: "ldap://ldap.mydomain.tld:389"
matrix_synapse_ext_password_provider_ldap_start_tls: true
matrix_synapse_ext_password_provider_ldap_base: ""
matrix_synapse_ext_password_provider_ldap_attributes_uid: "uid"
matrix_synapse_ext_password_provider_ldap_attributes_mail: "mail"
matrix_synapse_ext_password_provider_ldap_attributes_name: "cn"
matrix_synapse_ext_password_provider_ldap_bind_dn: ""
matrix_synapse_ext_password_provider_ldap_bind_password: ""
matrix_synapse_ext_password_provider_ldap_filter: ""
matrix_s3_media_store_enabled: false
matrix_s3_media_store_custom_endpoint_enabled: false
matrix_s3_goofys_docker_image: "ewoutp/goofys:latest"
matrix_s3_media_store_custom_endpoint: "your-custom-endpoint"
matrix_s3_media_store_bucket_name: "your-bucket-name"
matrix_s3_media_store_aws_access_key: "your-aws-access-key"
matrix_s3_media_store_aws_secret_key: "your-aws-secret-key"
matrix_s3_media_store_region: "eu-central-1"
# Controls whether the self-check feature should validate SSL certificates.
matrix_synapse_self_check_validate_certificates: true
# Matrix mautrix is a Matrix <-> Facebook bridge
# Enable facebook bridge
matrix_mautrix_facebook_enabled: false
matrix_mautrix_facebook_docker_image: "tulir/mautrix-facebook:latest"
matrix_mautrix_facebook_base_path: "{{ matrix_base_data_path }}/mautrix-facebook"
# Get your own API keys at
matrix_mautrix_facebook_api_id: YOUR_FACEBOOK_APP_ID
matrix_mautrix_facebook_api_hash: YOUR_FACEBOOK_API_HASH
# Matrix Appservice IRC is a Matrix <-> IRC bridge
# Enable IRC bridge
matrix_appservice_irc_enabled: false
matrix_appservice_irc_docker_image: "tedomum/matrix-appservice-irc:latest"
matrix_appservice_irc_base_path: "{{ matrix_base_data_path }}/appservice-irc"
matrix_appservice_irc_configuration_yaml: |
#jinja2: lstrip_blocks: True
url: "https://{{ matrix_server_fqn_matrix }}"
domain: "{{ matrix_domain }}"
enablePresence: true
matrix_appservice_irc_configuration_extension_yaml: |
# Your custom YAML configuration for Appservice IRC servers goes here.
# This configuration extends the default starting configuration (`matrix_appservice_irc_configuration_yaml`).
# You can override individual variables from the default configuration, or introduce new ones.
# If you need something more special, you can take full control by
# completely redefining `matrix_appservice_irc_configuration_yaml`.
# Example configuration extension follows:
# ircService:
# databaseUri: "nedb:///data" # does not typically need modification
# passwordEncryptionKeyPath: "/data/passkey.pem" # does not typically need modification
# matrixHandler:
# eventCacheSize: 4096
# servers:
# # The address of the server to connect to.
# # A human-readable short name. This is used to label IRC status rooms
# # where matrix users control their connections.
# # E.g. 'ExampleNet IRC Bridge status'.
# # It is also used in the Third Party Lookup API as the instance `desc`
# # property, where each server is an instance.
# name: "ExampleNet"
# additionalAddresses: [ "" ]
# #
# # [DEPRECATED] Use `name`, above, instead.
# # A human-readable description string
# # description: " IRC network"
# # An ID for uniquely identifying this server amongst other servers being bridged.
# # networkId: "example"
# # URL to an icon used as the network icon whenever this network appear in
# # a network list. (Like in the riot room directory, for instance.)
# # icon:
# # The port to connect to. Optional.
# port: 6697
# # Whether to use SSL or not. Default: false.
# ssl: true
# # Whether or not IRC server is using a self-signed cert or not providing CA Chain
# sslselfsign: false
# # Should the connection attempt to identify via SASL (if a server or user password is given)
# # If false, this will use PASS instead. If SASL fails, we do not fallback to PASS.
# sasl: false
# # Whether to allow expired certs when connecting to the IRC server.
# # Usually this should be off. Default: false.
# allowExpiredCerts: false
# # A specific CA to trust instead of the default CAs. Optional.
# #ca: |
# # ...
# # -----END CERTIFICATE-----
# #
# # The connection password to send for all clients as a PASS (or SASL, if enabled above) command. Optional.
# # password: 'pa$$w0rd'
# #
# # Whether or not to send connection/error notices to real Matrix users. Default: true.
# sendConnectionMessages: true
# quitDebounce:
# # Whether parts due to net-splits are debounced for delayMs, to allow
# # time for the netsplit to resolve itself. A netsplit is detected as being
# # a QUIT rate higher than quitsPerSecond. Default: false.
# enabled: false
# # The maximum number of quits per second acceptable above which a netsplit is
# # considered ongoing. Default: 5.
# quitsPerSecond: 5
# # The time window in which to wait before bridging a QUIT to Matrix that occurred during
# # a netsplit. Debouncing is jittered randomly between delayMinMs and delayMaxMs so that the HS
# # is not sent many requests to leave rooms all at once if a netsplit occurs and many
# # people to not rejoin.
# # If the user with the same IRC nick as the one who sent the quit rejoins a channel
# # they are considered back online and the quit is not bridged, so long as the rejoin
# # occurs before the randomly-jittered timeout is not reached.
# # Default: 3600000, = 1h
# delayMinMs: 3600000 # 1h
# # Default: 7200000, = 2h
# delayMaxMs: 7200000 # 2h
# # A map for conversion of IRC user modes to Matrix power levels. This enables bridging
# # of IRC ops to Matrix power levels only, it does not enable the reverse. If a user has
# # been given multiple modes, the one that maps to the highest power level will be used.
# modePowerMap:
# o: 50
# botConfig:
# # Enable the presence of the bot in IRC channels. The bot serves as the entity
# # which maps from IRC -> Matrix. You can disable the bot entirely which
# # means IRC -> Matrix chat will be shared by active "M-Nick" connections
# # in the room. If there are no users in the room (or if there are users
# # but their connections are not on IRC) then nothing will be bridged to
# # Matrix. If you're concerned about the bot being treated as a "logger"
# # entity, then you may want to disable the bot. If you want IRC->Matrix
# # but don't want to have TCP connections to IRC unless a Matrix user speaks
# # (because your client connection limit is low), then you may want to keep
# # the bot enabled. Default: true.
# # NB: If the bot is disabled, you SHOULD have matrix-to-IRC syncing turned
# # on, else there will be no users and no bot in a channel (meaning no
# # messages to Matrix!) until a Matrix user speaks which makes a client
# # join the target IRC channel.
# # NBB: The bridge bot IRC client will still join the target IRC network so
# # it can service bridge-specific queries from the IRC-side e.g. so
# # real IRC clients have a way to change their Matrix display name.
# # See
# enabled: true
# # The nickname to give the AS bot.
# nick: "MatrixBot"
# # The password to give to NickServ or IRC Server for this nick. Optional.
# # password: "helloworld"
# #
# # Join channels even if there are no Matrix users on the other side of
# # the bridge. Set to false to prevent the bot from joining channels which have no
# # real matrix users in them, even if there is a mapping for the channel.
# # Default: true
# joinChannelsIfNoUsers: true
# # Configuration for PMs / private 1:1 communications between users.
# privateMessages:
# # Enable the ability for PMs to be sent to/from IRC/Matrix.
# # Default: true.
# enabled: true
# # Prevent Matrix users from sending PMs to the following IRC nicks.
# # Optional. Default: [].
# # exclude: ["Alice", "Bob"] # NOT YET IMPLEMENTED
# # Should created Matrix PM rooms be federated? If false, only users on the
# # HS attached to this AS will be able to interact with this room.
# # Optional. Default: true.
# federate: true
# # Configuration for mappings not explicitly listed in the 'mappings'
# # section.
# dynamicChannels:
# # Enable the ability for Matrix users to join *any* channel on this IRC
# # network.
# # Default: false.
# enabled: true
# # Should the AS create a room alias for the new Matrix room? The form of
# # the alias can be modified via 'aliasTemplate'. Default: true.
# createAlias: true
# # Should the AS publish the new Matrix room to the public room list so
# # anyone can see it? Default: true.
# published: true
# # What should the join_rule be for the new Matrix room? If 'public',
# # anyone can join the room. If 'invite', only users with an invite can
# # join the room. Note that if an IRC channel has +k or +i set on it,
# # join_rules will be set to 'invite' until these modes are removed.
# # Default: "public".
# joinRule: public
# # This will set the state event in newly created rooms
# # with the given groupId. This means flares will show up on IRC users in those rooms.
# # This should be set to the same thing as namespaces.users.group_id in irc_registration.
# # This does not alter existing rooms.
# # Leaving this option empty will not set the event.
# groupId: +myircnetwork:localhost
# # Should created Matrix rooms be federated? If false, only users on the
# # HS attached to this AS will be able to interact with this room.
# # Default: true.
# federate: true
# # The room alias template to apply when creating new aliases. This only
# # applies if createAlias is 'true'. The following variables are exposed:
# # $SERVER => The IRC server address (e.g. "")
# # $CHANNEL => The IRC channel (e.g. "#python")
# # This MUST have $CHANNEL somewhere in it.
# # Default: '#irc_$SERVER_$CHANNEL'
# aliasTemplate: "#irc_$CHANNEL"
# # A list of user IDs which the AS bot will send invites to in response
# # to a !join. Only applies if joinRule is 'invite'. Default: []
# # whitelist:
# # - ""
# # - ""
# #
# # Prevent the given list of channels from being mapped under any
# # circumstances.
# # exclude: ["#foo", "#bar"]
# # Configuration for controlling how Matrix and IRC membership lists are
# # synced.
# membershipLists:
# # Enable the syncing of membership lists between IRC and Matrix. This
# # can have a significant effect on performance on startup as the lists are
# # synced. This must be enabled for anything else in this section to take
# # effect. Default: false.
# enabled: false
# # Syncing membership lists at startup can result in hundreds of members to
# # process all at once. This timer drip feeds membership entries at the
# # specified rate. Default: 10000. (10s)
# floodDelayMs: 10000
# global:
# ircToMatrix:
# # Get a snapshot of all real IRC users on a channel (via NAMES) and
# # join their virtual matrix clients to the room.
# initial: false
# # Make virtual matrix clients join and leave rooms as their real IRC
# # counterparts join/part channels. Default: false.
# incremental: false
# matrixToIrc:
# # Get a snapshot of all real Matrix users in the room and join all of
# # them to the mapped IRC channel on startup. Default: false.
# initial: false
# # Make virtual IRC clients join and leave channels as their real Matrix
# # counterparts join/leave rooms. Make sure your 'maxClients' value is
# # high enough! Default: false.
# incremental: false
# # Apply specific rules to Matrix rooms. Only matrix-to-IRC takes effect.
# rooms:
# - room: "!fuasirouddJoxtwfge:localhost"
# matrixToIrc:
# initial: false
# incremental: false
# # Apply specific rules to IRC channels. Only IRC-to-matrix takes effect.
# channels:
# - channel: "#foo"
# ircToMatrix:
# initial: false
# incremental: false
# mappings:
# # 1:many mappings from IRC channels to room IDs on this IRC server.
# # The matrix room must already exist. Your matrix client should expose
# # the room ID in a "settings" page for the room.
# "#thepub": ["!kieouiJuedJoxtVdaG:localhost"]
# # Configuration for virtual matrix users. The following variables are
# # exposed:
# # $NICK => The IRC nick
# # $SERVER => The IRC server address (e.g. "")
# matrixClients:
# # The user ID template to use when creating virtual matrix users. This
# # MUST have $NICK somewhere in it.
# # Optional. Default: "@$SERVER_$NICK".
# # Example: ""
# userTemplate: "@irc_$NICK"
# # The display name to use for created matrix clients. This should have
# # $NICK somewhere in it if it is specified. Can also use $SERVER to
# # insert the IRC domain.
# # Optional. Default: "$NICK (IRC)". Example: "Alice (IRC)"
# displayName: "$NICK (IRC)"
# # Number of tries a client can attempt to join a room before the request
# # is discarded. You can also use -1 to never retry or 0 to never give up.
# # Optional. Default: -1
# joinAttempts: -1
# # Configuration for virtual IRC users. The following variables are exposed:
# # $LOCALPART => The user ID localpart ("alice" in @alice:localhost)
# # $USERID => The user ID
# # $DISPLAY => The display name of this user, with excluded characters
# # (e.g. space) removed. If the user has no display name, this
# # falls back to $LOCALPART.
# ircClients:
# # The template to apply to every IRC client nick. This MUST have either
# # $DISPLAY or $USERID or $LOCALPART somewhere in it.
# # Optional. Default: "M-$DISPLAY". Example: "M-Alice".
# nickTemplate: "$DISPLAY[m]"
# # True to allow virtual IRC clients to change their nick on this server
# # by issuing !nick <server> <nick> commands to the IRC AS bot.
# # This is completely freeform: it will NOT follow the nickTemplate.
# allowNickChanges: true
# # The max number of IRC clients that will connect. If the limit is
# # reached, the client that spoke the longest time ago will be
# # disconnected and replaced.
# # Optional. Default: 30.
# maxClients: 30
# # IPv6 configuration.
# ipv6:
# # Optional. Set to true to force IPv6 for outgoing connections.
# only: false
# # Optional. The IPv6 prefix to use for generating unique addresses for each
# # connected user. If not specified, all users will connect from the same
# # (default) address. This may require additional OS-specific work to allow
# # for the node process to bind to multiple different source addresses
# # e.g IP_FREEBIND on Linux, which requires an LD_PRELOAD with the library
# # as Node does not expose setsockopt.
# # prefix: "2001:0db8:85a3::" # modify appropriately
# #
# # The maximum amount of time in seconds that the client can exist
# # without sending another message before being disconnected. Use 0 to
# # not apply an idle timeout. This value is ignored if this IRC server is
# # mirroring matrix membership lists to IRC. Default: 172800 (48 hours)
# idleTimeout: 10800
# # The number of millseconds to wait between consecutive reconnections if a
# # client gets disconnected. Setting to 0 will cause the scheduling to be
# # disabled, i.e. it will be scheduled immediately (with jitter.
# # Otherwise, the scheduling interval will be used such that one client
# # reconnect for this server will be handled every reconnectIntervalMs ms using
# # a FIFO queue.
# # Default: 5000 (5 seconds)
# reconnectIntervalMs: 5000
# # The number of concurrent reconnects if a user has been disconnected unexpectedly
# # (e.g. a netsplit). You should set this to a reasonably high number so that
# # bridges are not waiting an eternity to reconnect all its clients if
# # we see a massive number of disconnect. This is unrelated to the reconnectIntervalMs
# # setting above which is for connecting on restart of the bridge. Set to 0 to
# # immediately try to reconnect all users.
# # Default: 50
# concurrentReconnectLimit: 50
# # The number of lines to allow being sent by the IRC client that has received
# # a large block of text to send from matrix. If the number of lines that would
# # be sent is > lineLimit, the text will instead be uploaded to matrix and the
# # resulting URI is treated as a file. As such, a link will be sent to the IRC
# # side instead of potentially spamming IRC and getting the IRC client kicked.
# # Default: 3.
# lineLimit: 3
# # A list of user modes to set on every IRC client. For example, "RiG" would set
# # +R, +i and +G on every IRC connection when they have successfully connected.
# # User modes vary wildly depending on the IRC network you're connecting to,
# # so check before setting this value. Some modes may not work as intended
# # through the bridge e.g. caller ID as there is no way to /ACCEPT.
# # Default: "" (no user modes)
# # userModes: "R"
# # Configuration for an ident server. If you are running a public bridge it is
# # advised you setup an ident server so IRC mods can ban specific matrix users
# # rather than the application service itself.
# ident:
# # True to listen for Ident requests and respond with the
# # matrix user's user_id (converted to ASCII, respecting RFC 1413).
# # Default: false.
# enabled: false
# # The port to listen on for incoming ident requests.
# # Ports below 1024 require root to listen on, and you may not want this to
# # run as root. Instead, you can get something like an Apache to yank up
# # incoming requests to 113 to a high numbered port. Set the port to listen
# # on instead of 113 here.
# # Default: 113.
# port: 1113
# # The address to listen on for incoming ident requests.
# # Default:
# address: "::"
# # Configuration for logging. Optional. Default: console debug level logging
# # only.
# logging:
# # Level to log on console/logfile. One of error|warn|info|debug
# level: "debug"
# # The file location to log to. This is relative to the project directory.
# logfile: "debug.log"
# # The file location to log errors to. This is relative to the project
# # directory.
# errfile: "errors.log"
# # Whether to log to the console or not.
# toConsole: true
# # The max number of files to keep. Files will be overwritten eventually due
# # to rotations.
# maxFiles: 5
# # Optional. Enable Prometheus metrics. If this is enabled, you MUST install `prom-client`:
# # $ npm install prom-client@6.3.0
# # Metrics will then be available via GET /metrics on the bridge listening port (-p).
# metrics:
# # Whether to actually enable the metric endpoint. Default: false
# enabled: true
# # When collecting remote user active times, which "buckets" should be used. Defaults are given below.
# # The bucket name is formed of a duration and a period. (h=hours,d=days,w=weeks).
# remoteUserAgeBuckets:
# - "1h"
# - "1d"
# - "1w"
# # Configuration options for the debug HTTP API. To access this API, you must
# # append ?access_token=$APPSERVICE_TOKEN (from the registration file) to the requests.
# #
# # The debug API exposes the following endpoints:
# #
# # GET /irc/$domain/user/$user_id => Return internal state for the IRC client for this user ID.
# #
# # POST /irc/$domain/user/$user_id => Issue a raw IRC command down this connection.
# # Format: new line delimited commands as per IRC protocol.
# #
# debugApi:
# # True to enable the HTTP API endpoint. Default: false.
# enabled: false
# # The port to host the HTTP API.
# port: 11100
# # Configuration for the provisioning API.
# #
# # GET /_matrix/provision/link
# # GET /_matrix/provision/unlink
# # GET /_matrix/provision/listlinks
# #
# provisioning:
# # True to enable the provisioning HTTP endpoint. Default: false.
# enabled: false
# # The number of seconds to wait before giving up on getting a response from
# # an IRC channel operator. If the channel operator does not respond within the
# # allotted time period, the provisioning request will fail.
# # Default: 300 seconds (5 mins)
# requestTimeoutSeconds: 300
# # WARNING: The bridge needs to send plaintext passwords to the IRC server, it cannot
# # send a password hash. As a result, passwords (NOT hashes) are stored encrypted in
# # the database.
# #
matrix_appservice_irc_configuration_extension: "{{ matrix_appservice_irc_configuration_extension_yaml|from_yaml if matrix_appservice_irc_configuration_extension_yaml|from_yaml else {} }}"
matrix_appservice_irc_configuration: "{{ matrix_appservice_irc_configuration_yaml|from_yaml|combine(matrix_appservice_irc_configuration_extension, recursive=True) }}"
# Matrix Appservice Discord is a Matrix <-> Discord bridge
# Enable Discord bridge
matrix_appservice_discord_enabled: false
matrix_appservice_discord_docker_image: "halfshot/matrix-appservice-discord:latest"
matrix_appservice_discord_base_path: "{{ matrix_base_data_path }}/appservice-discord"
matrix_appservice_discord_client_id: "YOUR DISCORD APP CLIENT ID"
matrix_appservice_discord_bot_token: "YOUR DISCORD APP BOT TOKEN"
matrix_appservice_discord_configuration_yaml: |
domain: "{{ matrix_domain }}"
homeserverUrl: "{{ matrix_homeserver_url }}"
clientID: "{{matrix_appservice_discord_client_id}}"
botToken: "{{matrix_appservice_discord_bot_token}}"
filename: "/data/discord.db"
userStorePath: "/data/user-store.db"
roomStorePath: "/data/room-store.db"
matrix_appservice_discord_configuration_extension_yaml: |
# This is a sample of the config file showing all avaliable options.
# Where possible we have documented what they do, and all values are the
# default values.
# # Domain part of the bridge, e.g.
# domain: "localhost"
# # This should be your publically facing URL because Discord may use it to
# # fetch media from the media store.
# homeserverUrl: "http://localhost:8008"
# # Interval at which to process users in the 'presence queue'. If you have
# # 5 users, one user will be processed every 500 milliseconds according to the
# # value below. This has a minimum value of 250.
# # WARNING: This has a high chance of spamming the homeserver with presence
# # updates since it will send one each time somebody changes state or is online.
# presenceInterval: 500
# # Disable setting presence for 'ghost users' which means Discord users on Matrix
# # will not be shown as away or online.
# disablePresence: false
# # Disable sending typing notifications when somebody on Discord types.
# disableTypingNotifications: false
# # Disable deleting messages on Discord if a message is redacted on Matrix.
# disableDeletionForwarding: false
# # Enable users to bridge rooms using !discord commands. See
# # for instructions.
# enableSelfServiceBridging: false
# # Disable sending of read receipts for Matrix events which have been
# # successfully bridged to Discord.
# disableReadReceipts: false
# Authentication configuration for the discord bot.
# clientID: "12345"
# botToken: "foobar"
# # What level should the logger output to the console at.
# console: "warn" #silly, verbose, info, http, warn, error, silent
# lineDateFormat: "MMM-D HH:mm:ss.SSS" # This is in moment.js format
# files:
# - file: "debug.log"
# disable:
# - "PresenceHandler" # Will not capture presence logging
# - file: "warn.log" # Will capture warnings
# level: "warn"
# - file: "botlogs.log" # Will capture logs from DiscordBot
# level: "info"
# enable:
# - "DiscordBot"
# userStorePath: "user-store.db"
# roomStorePath: "room-store.db"
# # You may either use SQLite or Postgresql for the bridge database, which contains
# # important mappings for events and user puppeting configurations.
# # Use the filename option for SQLite, or connString for Postgresql.
# # If you are migrating, see
# # WARNING: You will almost certainly be fine with sqlite unless your bridge
# # is in heavy demand and you suffer from IO slowness.
# filename: "discord.db"
# # connString: "postgresql://user:password@localhost/database_name"
# # Set the default visibility of alias rooms, defaults to "public".
# # One of: "public", "private"
# defaultVisibility: "public"
# # Pattern of the name given to bridged rooms.
# # Can use :guild for the guild name and :name for the channel name.
# namePattern: "[Discord] :guild :name"
# # Changes made to rooms when a channel is deleted.
# deleteOptions:
# # Prefix the room name with a string.
# #namePrefix: "[Deleted]"
# # Prefix the room topic with a string.
# #topicPrefix: "This room has been deleted"
# # Disable people from talking in the room by raising the event PL to 50
# disableMessaging: false
# # Remove the discord alias from the room.
# unsetRoomAlias: true
# # Remove the room from the directory.
# unlistFromDirectory: true
# # Set the room to be unavaliable for joining without an invite.
# setInviteOnly: true
# # Make all the discord users leave the room.
# ghostsLeave: true
# # Delay in milliseconds between discord users joining a room.
# roomGhostJoinDelay: 6000
# # Delay in milliseconds before sending messages to discord to avoid echos.
# # (Copies of a sent message may arrive from discord before we've
# # fininished handling it, causing us to echo it back to the room)
# discordSendDelay: 750
matrix_appservice_discord_configuration_extension: "{{ matrix_appservice_discord_configuration_extension_yaml|from_yaml if matrix_appservice_discord_configuration_extension_yaml|from_yaml else {} }}"
matrix_appservice_discord_configuration: "{{ matrix_appservice_discord_configuration_yaml|from_yaml|combine(matrix_appservice_discord_configuration_extension, recursive=True) }}"
# Controls whether searching the public room list is enabled.
matrix_enable_room_list_search: true
# Controls who's allowed to create aliases on this server.
- user_id: "*"
alias: "*"
room_id: "*"
action: allow
# Controls who can publish and which rooms can be published in the public room list.
- user_id: "*"
alias: "*"
room_id: "*"
action: allow