diff --git a/readme.md b/readme.md index cfe2baa..63adf8a 100644 --- a/readme.md +++ b/readme.md @@ -140,6 +140,14 @@ Last updated: 2019-02-11 [Script Ahoy](http://dd388.github.io/crals/): Community Resource for Archivists and Librarians Scripting [sourcecaster](https://datapraxis.github.io/sourcecaster/): helps you use the command line to work through common challenges that come up when working with digital primary sources. +## Articles and mentions + +* 2019-09: **Andrew Weaver & Ashley Blewer**, [Sustainability through community: fmprovisr and the Case for Collaborative Knowledge Transfer](https://ipres2019.org/static/pdf/iPres2019_paper_97.pdf) (PDF), iPRES 2019 + - Andrew Weaver [won](https://twitter.com/iPRES2019/status/1177136202144768000) iPres' Best First Time Contribution Award for his work on this paper :) +* 2018-11: ffmprovisr is mentioned in [a job advert](http://web.library.emory.edu/documents/pa_staff_Audiovisual%20Conservator_Nov2018.pdf)! +* 2017-10: **Ashley Blewer & Katherine Nagels**, [fmprovisr gets a redesign](https://bits.ashleyblewer.com/blog/2017/10/31/ffmprovisr-redesign/) +* 2015-11: **AMIA & DLF Hack Day 2015**, [ffmprovsr](https://wiki.curatecamp.org/index.php/Association_of_Moving_Image_Archivists_&_Digital_Library_Federation_Hack_Day_2015#ffmprovsr) - the genesis of ffmprovisr (then spelled without the 'i') + ## License Creative Commons License