ffmpeg -f concat -i mylist.txt -c copy [output]
This command takes two or more files of the same filetype and joins them together to make a single file. All that the program needs is a list specifying the files that should be concatenated. However, it only works if the files to be combined have the exact same codec and technical specifications.
ffmpeg documentation on concatenating files (full list of flags, commands, https://trac.ffmpeg.org/wiki/Concatenate)
+ - ffmpeg: calls the program
+ - -f: forces the input file format
+ - concat: ffmpeg’s concatenate command
+ - -i: tells ffmpeg to expect input files
+ - mylist.txt: a text file indicating the list of files to be concatenated. Should be formatted as:
+ - file [path to file 1]
+ - file [path to file 2]
+ - -c copy: specifies the encoder for the output file by telling the program to copy the codecs of the original files and use them for the output file
+ - [output]: desired filename for the output file