FROM debian:stable-slim LABEL maintainer="" ARG USER=factorio ARG GROUP=factorio ARG PUID=845 ARG PGID=845 ARG BOX64_VERSION=v0.2.4 # optionally utilize a built-in map-gen-preset (see data/base/prototypes/map-gen-presets # if this is used, the preset will be used over any .json files supplied # vanilla factorio provides the following presets: # rich-resources, marathon, death-world, death-world-marathon, rail-world, ribbon-world, island # a modded factorio example for using this: # space-exploration ARG PRESET # version checksum of the archive to download ARG VERSION ARG SHA256 LABEL factorio.version=${VERSION} # number of retries that curl will use when pulling the headless server tarball ARG CURL_RETRIES=8 ENV PORT=34197 \ RCON_PORT=27015 \ VERSION=${VERSION} \ SHA256=${SHA256} \ SAVES=/factorio/saves \ PRESET="$PRESET" \ CONFIG=/factorio/config \ MODS=/factorio/mods \ SCENARIOS=/factorio/scenarios \ SCRIPTOUTPUT=/factorio/script-output \ PUID="$PUID" \ PGID="$PGID" SHELL ["/bin/bash", "-eo", "pipefail", "-c"] RUN set -ox pipefail \ && if [[ "${VERSION}" == "" ]]; then \ echo "build-arg VERSION is required" \ && exit 1; \ fi \ && if [[ "${SHA256}" == "" ]]; then \ echo "build-arg SHA256 is required" \ && exit 1; \ fi \ && archive="/tmp/factorio_headless_x64_$VERSION.tar.xz" \ && mkdir -p /opt /factorio \ && apt-get -q update \ && DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive apt-get -qy install ca-certificates curl jq pwgen xz-utils procps gettext-base --no-install-recommends \ && curl -sSL "$VERSION/headless/linux64" -o "$archive" --retry $CURL_RETRIES\ && echo "$SHA256 $archive" | sha256sum -c \ || (sha256sum "$archive" && file "$archive" && exit 1) \ && tar xf "$archive" --directory /opt \ && chmod ugo=rwx /opt/factorio \ && rm "$archive" \ && if [[ "$(uname -m)" == "aarch64" ]]; then \ echo "installing ARM compatability layer" \ && DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive apt-get -qy install unzip --no-install-recommends \ && curl -LO${BOX64_VERSION}/ \ && unzip -d /bin \ && rm -f \ && chmod +x /bin/box64; \ fi \ && rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/* \ && ln -s "$SCENARIOS" /opt/factorio/scenarios \ && ln -s "$SAVES" /opt/factorio/saves \ && mkdir -p /opt/factorio/config/ \ && addgroup --system --gid "$PGID" "$GROUP" \ && adduser --system --uid "$PUID" --gid "$PGID" --no-create-home --disabled-password --shell /bin/sh "$USER" \ && chown -R "$USER":"$GROUP" /opt/factorio /factorio COPY files/*.sh / COPY files/config.ini /opt/factorio/config/config.ini VOLUME /factorio EXPOSE $PORT/udp $RCON_PORT/tcp ENTRYPOINT ["/"]