What is my IP address?

{{ .IP }}

Multiple command line HTTP clients are supported, including curl, httpie, GNU Wget and fetch.

CLI examples:

$ curl {{ .Host }}
{{ .IP }}

$ http -b {{ .Host }}
{{ .IP }}

$ wget -qO- {{ .Host }}
{{ .IP }}

$ fetch -qo- https://{{ .Host }}
{{ .IP }}

$ bat -print=b {{ .Host }}/ip
{{ .IP }}
{{ if .IsLookupCountryEnabled }}

Country lookup:

$ http {{ .Host }}/country
{{ .Country }}
{{ end }} {{ if .IsLookupCityEnabled }}

City lookup:

$ http {{ .Host }}/city
{{ .City }}
{{ end }}

JSON output:

$ http {{ .Host }}/json
{ {{ if .IsLookupCityEnabled }}
    "city": "{{ .City }}",{{ end }}{{ if .IsLookupCountryEnabled }}
    "country": "{{ .Country }}",{{ end }}{{ if .IsLookupAddrEnabled }}
    "hostname": "{{ .Hostname }}",{{ end }}
    "ip": "{{ .IP }}",
    "ip_decimal": {{ .IPDecimal }}

Setting the Accept header to application/json also works.

Plain output:

Always returns the IP address including a trailing newline, regardless of user agent.

$ http {{ .Host }}/ip
{{ .IP }}
{{ if .IsLookupPortEnabled }}

Testing port connectivity:

$ http {{ .Host }}/port/8080
    "ip": "{{ .IP }}",
    "port": 8080,
    "reachable": false
{{ end }}


How do I force IPv4 or IPv6 lookup?

IPv4 or IPv6 lookup can be forced by using the v4 and v6 subdomains.

Is using this service from automated scripts/tools permitted?

Yes, as long as the rate limit is respected. Please limit automated requests to 1 request per minute. No guarantee is made for requests that exceed this limit. They may be rate-limited (with a 429 response code) or dropped entirely.

Can I run my own service?

Yes, the source code and documentation is available on GitHub.