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//! This module wraps the hickory_resolver library
//! to generate results thaat are ready for serializing
//! or templating.
//! It does not aim to be reusable for any other purpose,
//! the hickory_resolver library already does that.
use hickory_proto::op::response_code::ResponseCode;
use hickory_proto::rr::{
use hickory_resolver::{
use tokio::join;
use std::net::IpAddr;
/* Data Structures */
#[derive(serde::Deserialize, serde::Serialize, Default, Clone)]
pub struct DnsLookupResult {
pub a: Option<Vec<IpAddr>>,
pub aaaa: Option<Vec<IpAddr>>,
pub aname: Option<Vec<String>>,
pub cname: Option<Vec<String>>,
pub mx: Option<Vec<MxRecord>>,
pub ns: Option<Vec<String>>,
pub soa: Option<Vec<SoaRecord>>,
pub txt: Option<Vec<String>>,
pub srv: Option<Vec<SrvRecord>>,
pub caa: Option<Vec<String>>,
pub other_error: bool,
pub dns_error: bool,
pub nxdomain: bool,
pub timeout: bool,
pub invalid_name: bool,
pub unkown_resolver: bool,
#[derive(serde::Deserialize, serde::Serialize, Clone, PartialEq)]
pub struct MxRecord {
preference: u16,
exchange: String,
#[derive(serde::Deserialize, serde::Serialize, Clone, PartialEq)]
pub struct SoaRecord {
mname: String,
rname: String,
serial: u32,
refresh: i32,
retry: i32,
expire: i32,
minimum: u32,
#[derive(serde::Deserialize, serde::Serialize, Clone, PartialEq)]
pub struct SrvRecord {
priority: u16,
weight: u16,
port: u16,
target: String,
/* Lookup Functions*/
pub async fn reverse_lookup(
resolver: &TokioAsyncResolver,
address: &IpAddr,
) -> Option<String> {
let revese_res = resolver.reverse_lookup(*address);
match revese_res.await {
Ok(lookup) => {
for name in lookup {
return Some(name.to_string())
Err(e) => {
let kind = e.kind();
match kind {
ResolveErrorKind::NoRecordsFound { .. } => {
//Ignore, that just happens …
_ => {
println!("Reverse lookup on {address} failed: {kind}");
pub fn opush<T: std::cmp::PartialEq>(opt_vec: &mut Option<Vec<T>>, data: T) {
if opt_vec.is_none() {
*opt_vec = Some(Default::default());
match opt_vec {
Some(vec) => if !vec.contains(&data) { vec.push(data) },
None => {},
pub fn set_default_if_none<T>(opt_vec: &mut Option<Vec<T>>) {
match opt_vec {
Some(_) => {},
None => {
*opt_vec = Some(Default::default());
pub fn add_record_to_lookup_result(result: &mut DnsLookupResult, record: &RData){
match record {
RData::AAAA(aaaa) => opush(&mut result.aaaa, std::net::IpAddr::V6(aaaa.0)),
RData::ANAME(aname) => opush(&mut result.aname, aname.to_string()),
RData::A(a) => opush(&mut result.a, std::net::IpAddr::V4(a.0)),
RData::CAA(caa) => opush(&mut result.caa, caa.to_string()),
RData::CNAME(cname) => opush(&mut result.cname, cname.to_string()),
RData::MX(mx) => opush(&mut result.mx, MxRecord{
preference: mx.preference(),
exchange: mx.exchange().to_string(),
RData::NS(ns) => opush(&mut result.ns, ns.to_string()),
RData::SOA(soa) => opush(&mut result.soa, SoaRecord{
mname: soa.mname().to_string(),
rname: soa.rname().to_string(),
serial: soa.serial(),
refresh: soa.refresh(),
retry: soa.retry(),
expire: soa.expire(),
minimum: soa.minimum(),
RData::SRV(srv) => opush(&mut result.srv, SrvRecord{
priority: srv.priority(),
weight: srv.weight(),
port: srv.port(),
target: srv.target().to_string(),
RData::TXT(txt) => {
for text in txt.txt_data().iter() {
&mut result.txt,
_ => { println!("Tried to add an unkown DNS record to results: {record}"); },
pub fn integrate_lookup_result(dig_result: &mut DnsLookupResult, lookup_result: Result<Lookup, ResolveError>) {
match lookup_result {
Ok(lookup) => {
match lookup.query().query_type() {
RecordType::AAAA => set_default_if_none(&mut dig_result.aaaa),
RecordType::ANAME => set_default_if_none(&mut dig_result.aname),
RecordType::A => set_default_if_none(&mut dig_result.a),
RecordType::CAA => set_default_if_none(&mut dig_result.caa),
RecordType::CNAME => set_default_if_none(&mut dig_result.cname),
RecordType::MX => set_default_if_none(&mut dig_result.mx),
RecordType::NS => set_default_if_none(&mut dig_result.ns),
RecordType::SOA => set_default_if_none(&mut dig_result.soa),
RecordType::SRV => set_default_if_none(&mut dig_result.srv),
RecordType::TXT => set_default_if_none(&mut dig_result.txt),
_ => { /* This should not happen */ },
let name = lookup.query().name();
for record in lookup.record_iter() {
if name == record.name() {
if let Some(data) = record.data() {
add_record_to_lookup_result(dig_result, data);
//TODO: handle additional responses
Err(e) => {
match e.kind() {
ResolveErrorKind::Message(..) |
ResolveErrorKind::Msg(..) |
ResolveErrorKind::NoConnections |
ResolveErrorKind::Io(..) |
ResolveErrorKind::Proto(..) => {
dig_result.other_error = true;
println!("There was an error while doing a DNS Lookup: {e}");
ResolveErrorKind::Timeout => {
dig_result.timeout = true;
println!("There was a timeout while doing a DNS Lookup.");
ResolveErrorKind::NoRecordsFound{response_code, ..} => {
match response_code {
ResponseCode::NXDomain => dig_result.nxdomain = true,
ResponseCode::NoError => {},
_ => {
println!("The DNS Server returned an error while doing a DNS Lookup: {response_code}");
dig_result.dns_error = true;
_ => { /*Ignore for now*/ },
// This function takes a resolver, a domain name and returns a DnsLookupResult.
// If do_full_lookup is false only the A and AAAA (CNAMEs planned for the future)
// records will be fetched.
pub async fn lookup(
resolver: &TokioAsyncResolver,
name: &Name,
do_full_lookup: bool,
) -> DnsLookupResult {
let (
) = join!(
resolver.lookup(name.clone(), RecordType::A),
resolver.lookup(name.clone(), RecordType::AAAA),
resolver.lookup(name.clone(), RecordType::CNAME),
resolver.lookup(name.clone(), RecordType::ANAME),
// initlize an empty lookup result
let mut dig_result: DnsLookupResult = Default::default();
integrate_lookup_result(&mut dig_result, ipv4_lookup_res);
integrate_lookup_result(&mut dig_result, ipv6_lookup_res);
integrate_lookup_result(&mut dig_result, cname_lookup_res);
integrate_lookup_result(&mut dig_result, aname_lookup_res);
//Don't do an extented lookup if the domain seemingly doesn't exist
if do_full_lookup && !dig_result.nxdomain {
let (
) = join!(
resolver.lookup(name.clone(), RecordType::MX),
resolver.lookup(name.clone(), RecordType::NS),
resolver.lookup(name.clone(), RecordType::SOA),
resolver.lookup(name.clone(), RecordType::CAA),
resolver.lookup(name.clone(), RecordType::SRV),
resolver.lookup(name.clone(), RecordType::TXT),
integrate_lookup_result(&mut dig_result, mx_lookup_res);
integrate_lookup_result(&mut dig_result, ns_lookup_res);
integrate_lookup_result(&mut dig_result, soa_lookup_res);
integrate_lookup_result(&mut dig_result, caa_lookup_res);
integrate_lookup_result(&mut dig_result, srv_lookup_res);
integrate_lookup_result(&mut dig_result, txt_lookup_res);
return dig_result