{% extends "base.html" %} {% import "helpers.html" as helper %} {% block title %}{{ data.config.display_name }}{% endblock %} {% block h1 %}DNS Resolver: {{ data.config.display_name }}{% endblock %} {% block content %} {%- set c = data.config %}

Connection Configuration

Address{% if c.servers | length > 1 %}es{% endif %}
{% if c.servers | length > 0 %} {%- for a in c.servers %} {% if a is matching("^\[") %} {% set ip = a | split(pat="]") | first | trim_start_matches(pat="[") %} {% else %} {% set ip = a | split(pat=":") | first %} {% endif %}
{{ helper::ip(extra=extra, ip=ip, text=a) }}
{%- endfor %} {%- else %}
None Configured
{%- endif %}
{{ c.protocol }}
{%- if c.tls_dns_name %}
DNS Name
{{ helper::dig(extra=extra, name=c.tls_dns_name) }}
{%- endif %}
{%- if c.info_url %}

More about the {{c.display_name}} DNS Server (external link)

{%- endif %}
{%- if c.aliases | length > 0 %}


You can use this DNS server by typing via {{c.aliases | first }} {% if c.aliases | length > 1 %}(or any other alias){% endif %} in the searchfield.

Back to DNS Resolver list

{% endif %} {% endblock %}