{% extends "base.html" %} {% import "helpers.html" as helper %} {% import "links.html" as links %} {% block title %}{{ data.result.address }}{% endblock %} {% block og_title %}Lookup {{ data.result.address }}{% endblock %} {% block h1 %}Lookup {{ data.result.address }}{% endblock %} {% block og_path %}/ip/{{ data.result.address }}{% endblock %} {% block content %} {% set r = data.result %}

Network Information

Type of Address
{{ helper::ip_info(ip_info=r.ip_info) }}
{% if r.hostname %}
{{ helper::dig(extra=extra, name=r.hostname) }}
{% elif r.reverse_dns_disabled_for_privacy %}
Lookup disabled by default: {{ helper::ip(ip=r.address, extra=extra, text="enable", with_self_lookup=true)}}
{% endif %} {% if r.asn %}
AS Name
{{ r.asn.name }}
{% endif %}
{% block other_ip_button %}{% endblock %}
{% if r.location %}


{{ helper::place_dl(place=r.location.continent, label="Continent") }} {{ helper::place_dl(place=r.location.country, label="Country") }} {% if r.location.country.iso_code | default(value="") != r.location.registered_country.iso_code | default(value="") %} {{ helper::place_dl(place=r.location.registered_country, label="Registered in") }} {% endif %} {% if r.location.country.iso_code | default(value="") != r.location.represented_country.iso_code | default(value="")%} {{ helper::place_dl(place=r.location.represented_country, label="Represents") }} {% endif %} {% if r.location.subdivisions %} {% for sd in r.location.subdivisions %} {{ helper::place_dl(place=sd, label="Subdivision", iso_code_prefix=r.location.country.iso_code|default(value="")) }} {% endfor %} {% endif %} {{ helper::place_dl(place=r.location.city, label="City") }} {% if r.location.postal_code %}
Postal Code
{% endif %} {% if r.location.time_zone %}
{% endif %} {% if r.location.accuracy %}
{% endif %} {% if r.location.coordinates %}
lat: {{r.location.coordinates.lat}}, lon: {{r.location.coordinates.lon}}
{% endif %}

The GeoIP and ASN information is provided by the GeoLite2 database created by MaxMind.

{% endif %} {% block extra_content %}{% endblock %}

Other Services

{{ links::ip_address_links(address=r.address)}} {% if r.asn %} {{ links::asn_links(asn=r.asn.asn, org_name=r.asn.name) }} {% endif %}

Programmatic Lookup

If you want to look up this IP-Address Information in another program that is okay as long as you are civil about it … (ratelimit)


You can choose between the html, text and json format.

An example of an URL could be: {{ extra.base_url }}/ip/

To look up your IP-Address as json: {{ extra.base_url }}/?format=json

{% endblock %}