site_name="echoip-slatecave" base_url="http://localhost:3000" # Url to the default opengraph preview image # og_image="" # URL to your stylesheet stylesheet = "/style.css" # URL to and mimetype of your favicon favicon = "/icon_64.png" favicon_mimetype = "image/png" # favicon_mimetype = "image/svg+xml" # favicon_mimetype = "image/jpeg" # Icon to display next to the title display_icon = "/icon_64.png" # URLs to look up v4 and v6 addresses explicitly # If you have not configured them, comment them out, the button will stay hidden v4_url="http://v4.localhost:3000/" v6_url="http://v6.localhost:3000/" [404] # configure the 404 page, this is available for other pages too! # Use the template name as the section name. title = "Nothing here" description = "Page not found"