{% extends "ip.html" %} {% import "helpers.html" as helper %} {% block robots_meta %}{# Allow indexing for landing page #}{% endblock %} {% block title %}Your IP: {{ data.result.address }}{% endblock %} {% block og_title %}What is my IP-Address?{% endblock %} {% block h1 %}Your IPv{% if data.result.ip_info.is_v6_address %}6{% else %}4{% endif %}: {{ data.result.address }}{% endblock %} {% block description %} Look up Your and others public IP-Addresses. - {{ data.result.address }} {% endblock %} {% block og_path %}/{% endblock %} {% block other_ip_button %} {% if data.result.ip_info.is_v6_address %} {% if extra.v4_url %}

Look up your IPv4 address instead (You'll get an error if you live in the future)

{% endif %} {% else %} {% if extra.v6_url %}

Look up your IPv6 address instead (You'll get an error if you live in the past)

{% endif %} {% endif %} {% endblock %} {% block extra_content %}

Your User Agent

The program you were using to download this page identified itself as {{ data.user_agent }}

While this doesn't have to do anything with your public IP-Address this might be useful information.

You can use the /ua endpoint to fetch this information with any client.

Did you know?

If you share this site and the Link gets a preview. The IP-Address after the dash is the one of the machine that generated that preview.

This service exports a list of dns resolvers it supports, with configuration.

Every query that can output html can also output json or plain text using the ?format=json or ?format=text url parameters?

{% endblock %}