diff --git a/README.md b/README.md index b927f78..0ac9de0 100644 --- a/README.md +++ b/README.md @@ -98,6 +98,10 @@ Most noably you can disable reverse dns lookups, hide domains with given suffixe `echoip-slatecave` only exposes an unencrypted http interface to keep the service itself simple. For a public service you should use a reverse proxy like Caddy, apache2 or nginx and configure the `ip_header` option, see the echoip_config.toml file. Usually the preconfigured `RightmostXForwardedFor` is the correct one, but please doublecheck it matches your servers configuration, it should fail by simply not working, but no guarantees given. +Consider hiding the values of the following in your server logs for increased privacy: +* The `query` URL query paramter +* All paths subpath to `/ip/` and `/dig/` + ### Denail of Service `echoip-slatecave` has some simle ratelimiting built in (see the `[ratelimit]` section in the configuration file) this should help you with too frequest automated requests causung high load.