Your Unicode query has been encoded as an IDN to generate the results below.
{{ idn.idn }}
{%- else -%}
Your IDN would decode to
{{ idn.unicode }}
{%- endif -%}
{% endif -%}
{% set r = data.result.records -%}
## DNS Records
{% if r.nxdomain %}
Our DNS-Server claims that this domain doesn't exist, you shouldn't see any results below.
{%- elif r.timeout -%}
There was at least one timeout error while resolving this domain, the results below are incomplete.
{%- elif r.other_error -%}
An error happened while resolving this name, the results below are incomplete. There was probably some IO issue, the error has been written to the log to help with debugging.
{% endif -%}
{%- if r.dns_error %}
The DNS-Server returned an error code that is not NXDomain, the results are probably incomplete. To help with debugging this has been written to the log.
{%- endif -%}
{%- if r.cname %}
This domain has a cname set, this means its contents are full replaced by the linked record.
Usually you get the A and AAAA records for the linked record to avoid unnecessary requests. If anything else resolves, that is a violation of the DNS specification.