2021-04-25 19:50:07 +02:00

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Pull Requests


Code Style

Naming Convention

  • Namespaces: CamelCase
  • Classes: CamelCase
  • Structs: CamelCase_t
  • Members: camelCase
  • Enum: SNAKE_CASE
  • Macros: SNAKE_CASE

Brace Style

int myFunction() {
    if (shortIf) { shortFunctionName(); }

    if (longIf) {

Note: If it makes the code cleaner, remember to use the ? keyword instead of a if else statement.


Headers and their associated C++ files shall be in the same directory. All headers must use #pragma once instead of other include guards. Only include files in a header that are being used in that header. Include the rest in the associated C++ file.


Module Naming Convention

All modules names must be snake_case. If the module is a source, it must end with _source. If it is a sink, it must end with _sink.

For example, lets take the module named cool_source:

  • Directory: cool_source
  • Class: CoolSourceModule
  • Binary: cool_source.<os dynlib extension>

Integration into main repository

If the module meets the code quality requirements, it may be added to the official repository. A module that doesn't require any external dependencies that the core doesn't already use may be enabled for build by default. Otherwise, they must be disabled for build by default with a OPT_BUILD_MODULE_NAME variable set to OFF.

Best Practices

  • All additions and/or bug fixes to the core must not add additional dependencies.

  • Use VSCode for development, VS seems to cause issues.