i think i fixed a bug... #5

AustrianToast merged 1 commits from dev into main 2023-01-31 12:15:41 +01:00
4 changed files with 44 additions and 53 deletions

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@ -1,13 +1,7 @@
# Update
Update script written in bash for Arch. Keeps all your pacman and aur packages as well as your flatpaks up to date with one simple script. It also backups a list of all your pacman/aur pkg's and flatpaks. As well as your fstab and the makepkg.conf to the location that you specify in the config.
## Dependencies
Needed dependencies
pacman -S zip
## Installation
@ -27,8 +21,8 @@ Usage: update [OPTION]
no flag same as -a
-f updates using flatpak update only
-y updates using an aur-helper only
-a updates using flatpak update and an aur-helper
-p updates using a pacman-wrapper only
-a updates using flatpak update and a pacman-wrapper
-g shutdowns the computer afterwards (needs to be the last or only option to work properly)
-r reboots the computer afterwards (needs to be the last or only option to work properly)

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@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
VER = "v1.2"
VER = "v1.3"
@echo "==> Installing update $(VER)..."

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@ -1,12 +1,11 @@
# updates via an aur-helper and flatpak with flags
# version 1.2
# updates using a pacman-wrapper and flatpak-update with flags
# version 1.3
IGreen="\033[0;92m" # Green
NC="\033[0m" # Text Reset
source "${HOME}"/.config/update.conf
@ -17,42 +16,41 @@ Help() {
echo "options:"
echo "no flag same as -a"
echo "-f updates using flatpak update only"
echo "-y updates using an aur-helper only"
echo "-a updates using flatpak update and an aur-helper"
echo "-p updates using a pacman-wrapper only"
echo "-a updates using flatpak update and a pacman-wrapper"
echo "-g shutdowns the computer afterwards (needs to be the last or only option to work properly)"
echo "-r reboots the computer afterwards (needs to be the last or only option to work properly)"
# creates package lists, moves them into a zip, adds some other files to the zip and backups the pacman database in the form of a tar
# it then rsyncs the zip and the tar to the backup location
# creates package lists, moves them into a tar, adds some other files and adds the pacman database
# it then rsyncs the tar to the backup location
before_backup() {
pacman -Q > pacman-pre.txt
flatpak list > flatpak-pre.txt
zip --quiet --move before-backup.zip.new pacman-pre.txt flatpak-pre.txt
zip --quiet --grow before-backup.zip.new /etc/fstab /etc/makepkg.conf
tar -cJf pacman-database.tar.xz.new /var/lib/pacman/local &> /dev/null
rsync --remove-source-files before-backup.zip.new pacman-database.tar.xz.new "${backup_location}"
rename before-backup.zip.new before-backup.zip "${backup_location}"/before-backup.zip.new
rename pacman-database.tar.xz.new pacman-database.tar.xz "${backup_location}"/pacman-database.tar.xz.new
[[ ! -d /tmp/backup ]] && mkdir /tmp/backup
pacman -Q > "${TMP}"/pacman-pre.txt
flatpak list > "${TMP}"/flatpak-pre.txt
tar -cJf "${TMP}"/before-backup.tar.xz.new "${TMP}"/pacman-pre.txt "${TMP}"/flatpak-pre.txt /var/lib/pacman/local &> /dev/null
rsync "${TMP}"/before-backup.tar.xz.new "${backup_location}"
rename before-backup.tar.xz.new before-backup.tar.xz "${backup_location}"/before-backup.tar.xz.new
# moves the package lists into a zip, it then rsyncs the zip to the backup location
# moves the package lists into a tar, it then rsyncs the tar to the backup location
after_backup() {
zip --quiet --move after-backup.zip.new pacman-after.txt flatpak-after.txt
rsync --remove-source-files after-backup.zip.new "${backup_location}"
rename after-backup.zip.new after-backup.zip "${backup_location}"/after-backup.zip.new
tar -cJf "${TMP}"/after-backup.tar.xz.new "${TMP}"/pacman-after.txt "${TMP}"/flatpak-after.txt &> /dev/null
rsync "${TMP}"/after-backup.tar.xz.new "${backup_location}"
rename after-backup.tar.xz.new after-backup.tar.xz "${backup_location}"/after-backup.tar.xz.new
rm -r /tmp/backup
# updates using aur-helper
update_with_aur_helper() {
pacman -Q > pacman-after.txt
# updates using a pacman-wrapper
update_with_pacman_wrapper() {
pacman -Q > "${TMP}"/pacman-after.txt
# updates using flatpak update
# updates using flatpak-update
update_with_flatpak() {
flatpak update -u --noninteractive
flatpak list > flatpak-after.txt
flatpak list > "${TMP}"/flatpak-after.txt
[[ $1 = --help ]] && Help && exit 0;
@ -62,28 +60,27 @@ while [ -f /var/lib/pacman/db.lck ]; do {
[[ ! -d /tmp/backup ]] && mkdir /tmp/backup;
cd /tmp/backup && before_backup && echo -e "${IGreen} pre-backup complete ${NC}"
before_backup && echo -e "${IGreen} pre-backup complete ${NC}"
[[ -z $1 ]] && update_with_aur_helper && update_with_flatpak;
while getopts 'fyagr' OPTIONS; do
[[ -z $1 ]] && update_with_pacman_wrapper && update_with_flatpak;
while getopts 'fpagr' OPTIONS; do
case "$OPTIONS" in
update_with_flatpak ;;
update_with_aur_helper ;;
update_with_pacman_wrapper ;;
update_with_aur_helper; update_with_flatpak ;;
update_with_pacman_wrapper; update_with_flatpak ;;
[[ $1 = -g ]] && update_with_aur_helper && update_with_flatpak;
after_backup && cd "${DIR}" || return; echo -e "${IGreen} after-backup complete ${NC}" && sleep 3s && shutdown now ;;
[[ $1 = -g ]] && update_with_pacman_wrapper && update_with_flatpak;
after_backup && echo -e "${IGreen} after-backup complete ${NC}" && sleep 3s && shutdown now ;;
[[ $1 = -r ]] && update_with_aur_helper && update_with_flatpak;
after_backup && cd "${DIR}" || return; echo -e "${IGreen} after-backup complete ${NC}" && sleep 3s && reboot ;;
[[ $1 = -r ]] && update_with_pacman_wrapper && update_with_flatpak;
after_backup && echo -e "${IGreen} after-backup complete ${NC}" && sleep 3s && reboot ;;
exit 1;;
after_backup && cd "${DIR}" || return; rm -r /tmp/backup; echo -e "${IGreen} after-backup complete ${NC}"
after_backup && echo -e "${IGreen} after-backup complete ${NC}"

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@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
# Backup to this folder
# use this aur-helper
# use this pacman-wrapper